(Run away)

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《Kirishim's POV:》
As I felt the blonde's warm embrace, my body shook and I shivered. I was scared...'what would happen to me if they found me.. more importantly what would happen to Bakugo.' My eyes started to shine as tears soon filled them, making my vision go blurry. I sniffle as I started to sob in fear, squeezing the blonde tightly. My scales on my body shimmered in the sun, my tail drooped down to the floor, and my wings tucked down behind my back. I shivered as I cried into the blonde's shoulder. Before I knew it I felt a soft, gentle rubbing against my back and a calming hush whispered into my ear. The blonde comforted me and kept me quiet as he pushed me back a little, taking my hand and dragging me through the forest. I wasn't sure what he had on his mind, or where we were going but I trusted him enough to follow him.

《Katsuki's POV:》
I slowly and calmly took the redhead deeper into the forest, in hopes I could find somewhere to hide him. I didn't care what happened to me as long as he was safe. 'Dammit....had I fallen for him?' My mind started filling up with tones of different thoughts and questions. As I dragged the sobbing redhead into the forest I heard more gunshots...'can they see us!?' As I dragged the sobbing redhead through the forest I came across a small...den? Or was it a cave. Whatever it was, he'd fit...it was somewhere safe..I'd hope. I hurriedly dragged the redhead into this...den. he whimpered and sniffled, as his body shook in fear. I felt bad and eventually set my bag down then wrapped my arms around him and held him close...I sat down on a rock and pulled him into my lap. I hushed him and rocked him like a baby as I softly rubbed his back and tried to calm him. As I did so, I ran my fingers through his hair and whispered, "shhh...it's ok baby..you're safe here. Calm down, it'll be alright. I won't let them hurt you again I promise alright?" I calmly told him as I pulled his head down into my chest as he soon fell fast asleep in my arms.

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