Chapter 4| Burn

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Jamarion Montique POV
Monday, February 26th
5:57 pm

My hands positioned perfectly in the tiny space of the baby's armpits. I lift him into my hold, lightly tapping my fingers against his back soothing his cries.

He stretches forth his hand in the direction of his mother prompting me to trek over to where the paramedics are attending to her injuries.

She lies still on the grass her chest rising and falling steadily, eyes shut closed with her pink plumped lips slightly parted. Her left arm burnt with the imprint of whatever it was that torched her skin.

The skin is leathery almost sporting a charred look. Continuing their assessment they wrap her burnt hand in a bandage before attempting to wake her.

I bounce the crying baby in my arms as I try to quiet his screams. His face is filled with tears and snort.

Jah Jah

I lift the hem of his shirt using it to wipe his runny nose.

"You will soon get mommy" I coo as I lift him to face me. He places his thumb in his mouth which seems to be of comfort to him. His cries quiet down a bit as he rests his head on my shoulder.

I rub his back awkwardly yet in a soothing manner. My eyes piercing his mother's closed ones anxiously waiting for her to open them.

Been donkey years since mi hold a baby much less even calm down a crying one

Hesitantly I take a step foward stopping exactly beside the lead paramedic. "How bad is it?" I ask—a finger pointed to the burn on her arm and a bit on her face.

"The one on her arm looks about a 3-degree burn but I can't confirm if it is and the one on her face will just need some cream and it will heal perfectly" Jerry says and I nod.

I turn my attention back to the small boy in my arms that has fallen asleep maybe too exhausted from crying.

Their attempts to wake his mother have gone unanswered to her and now they are preparing to transfer her to the hospital for the burn on her arm.

I take a seat on the column and place the little boy in my lap, resting his head on my chest as I slowly rock my feet to keep him asleep. Murray shakes his head smiling as he walks around the perimeter of the demolished house.

My eyes move to the mother as they attempt to wake her once more and just like the last couple of attempts their calls go unanswered.

I scan my surrounding, it's very rural and antique for such a young woman. Trees fill the yard something that I am not used to seeing as I have lived in Old Harbor my whole life. Where having a tree in your backyard is sometimes scarce.

"Baby Daddy" Murray tease as he rolls up the hose and brings it towards the truck.

"Yuh nuh know when fi bill ennuh" I laugh and I heavy cough catches my attention.

The eyes of a frantic mother make four with mine and she rushes over to me taking her baby into her arms. Her happiness and joy don't last long before she grunts in pain switching her son to her unburned arm. I stand in front of her and stretch towards the baby, taking him away from her I examine her face.

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