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It had been quite some time since my one-night stand with Jungkook. But I still thought of him every day and I knew I wanted him.

I didn't want to hold back anymore, I really wanted to experience it now. Without getting drunk. I wanted to feel him, I wanted to experience him again. But don't let him go this time.

So I announced another party at my house, for the whole year. I had already planned how everything would go. I wanted to pretend I was drunk and go back to him. So that I could really experience it. But what if it was really something unique for him? If he didn't feel the same desire as I did? But he had thought he liked it. So he had to like it.

On the day of the party, I waited impatiently. Many had already arrived, including Jimin and Jungkook's best friend Jin. Unobtrusively I strolled to Jin.

"Is Jungkook coming today?" I asked as casually as possible. "I don't know, he wasn't sure. Why? If you want to beat him up again, find a new victim. Jungkook didn't do anything to you. Just because you think he's gay, you don't have to make his life difficult. I'm tired of seeing him like that."

Annoyed, Jin turned away. Because I thought he was gay? Wasn't he? Why else would he have slept with me..

"just because I think he was gay? Isn't he?" I asked Jin. "Ask him. It doesn't matter anyway, you wouldn't stop bullying him."

With these words, Jin went away to get a drink. I stood there completely confused and wondered if it was just a game for Jungkook. So he didn't want me at all? So he didn't feel anything? But he didn't just sleep with a guy if he wasn't gay, did he?

The door opened and Jungkook came in. He made a big bow around me, as he probably assumed I would beat him up. But that wasn't my plan. I went to the counter and got a drink - but it was completely free of alcohol. I made sure that Jungkook saw that I was drinking. At some point you had to think I was drunk because I drank several.

I couldn't approach him here in public, I had to wait until he went somewhere. But he stayed where he was. I had to get him away from here.. just how?

I explained to Jimin, who just kissed some girl, I would show Jungkook what a son of a bitch he was and that I would beat him up, but not here in front of everyone and went towards him. Now I was standing right next to him. But he turned away from me.

"If you want to beat me, do it here in front of all people, not somewhere alone." He knew I didn't want to hit him, he just didn't want to sleep with me again. So he really wasn't gay. But that wouldn't stop me from seducing him. I came with my head very close to his ear, which turned red with nervousness. Why was he so nervous? As quietly and seductively as possible, I whispered:

"I want you. I can't live without you." I saw him tearing his eyes a little bit, as he seemed very tense. "Come with me." He unobtrusively grabbed me by the hand and we disappeared into the bathroom. He closed the door and began to talk quietly. "It wouldn't work between us. You're drunk and just regret it again tomorrow. I can't do that." So he thought I would regret it again? "I won't regret this. I never regretted it. The only thing I regretted was letting you go. I missed you every day, I always thought of you, I can't do without you. He didn't flinch, he didn't seem surprised. "I know. You called me and weren't as hard on me at school as usual. But even if it's true that you like me - it wouldn't work." "Because you don't feel the same. Because you're simply not gay."

My face had taken on cold features.

"You never felt anything, you just played with me. But I didn't care, I wanted you anyway. Even if everything was just a game, for me it was real. But you're probably right, it wouldn't work. I understand, I'm not the one that satisfied your desire."

I was hurt, but now I couldn't show it. I left the bathroom and left the puzzled Jungkook behind. But before I opened the door, I turned around again.

"I'm not drunk. I wanted to experience it again, but really. Yes, I sank so low. I have to pretend to be drunk to sleep with the guy I like. But that doesn't even work."

Jungkook blinked in disbelief several times, then he shouted "wait," but I had already disappeared. He didn't want me and I had to accept that.

It was just a game. It was all just a game.

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