Possible ending (1) 024

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Over three years had passed since that day. I still thought about Jungkook some times, but I got busy with work and didn't have much time to think about him anymore.

Today, I'd finally fly back to korea, my birth country. The country where I lost him. The country I loved and hated most. I wasn't sure, if it was the best idea, but I had to for work and I actually really wanted to.

The flight didn't last long and when I got there, I was really excited to see my home town again. At first, I had to drive home, the home with all the memories. The closer I got to the house, the more tense I became. And then I saw it. It looked like I remembered.

Carefully, I got in and went to my old room. With the bed where I had all the memories. I didn't want to sleep there. Instead, I went to one of the guest rooms and had my stuff there.

But I didn't want to stay there for so long, so I walked around the neighborhood. It was really beautiful but sad to see all this again. After a few meters, I saw a couple waking around and laughing. I couldn't believe my eyes: this were Jimin and Yoongi! What did Yoongi do here? And with Jimin?

I approached them. "Hello. Nice to see you both after such a long time again. How comes..?" They both looked up and looked surprised to see me too. "You both know each other?" Yoongi asked. "Yes, he was my best friend.. and after that, my boyfriend.. but how comes that you know each other?" this time, Jimin answered.

"After you made clear that you love uh.. sorry, let me make this short. We met like two years ago in Japan on vacation and got friends but after some time we realized we'd be better as a couple. And now we're still together." I smiled.

"That's beautiful. Have fun together, I'll go for a walk to the Han river. I have to think a bit. Hope to see you around." We said goodbye and I did what I've said. I walked slowly and comfortable and looked down the whole time. And now, I couldn't stop thinking about Jungkook again.

He'd have had a much easier life without me. He was such a sweet guy and didn't deserve all the shit I did to him. I wished, for like the hundredth time yo turn back time. What if..? I asked myself again and again. What if I wouldn't have ended the relationship? What if I wouldn't have changed my phone? What if I wouldn't have hugged him while Jin was standing there? And there were so many other questions.

I was so in thoughts, that I almost didn't have seen the man who walked past me. Almost. I turned around and grabbed him.

"Jeon Jungkook?"

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