Possible ending (2) 023

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Six months had passed, since I had moved to America. Half my year was over. But still, I couldn't just leave Jungkook behind. He was still in my mind all the time. But since I had much work in school to do to pass the year, I didn't think as often as I did in the past about him.

"Taehyung! We need your help with these news papers, they're all in Korean. We have no idea what we can give to the trash." My friend Hoseok called. "Why the fuck are here Korean news papers?" I asked a bit surprised. "No idea just help us." Yoongi said annoyed. I knew, he was just joking and he wasn't really annoyed, but I still wasn't getting used to it.

"Fuck off, I'll be there in a minute. I just have to finish this shit." I turned around and saw Yoongi and Hoseok standing there confused, while Namjoon did his homework nobody except him understand. "Okay, I'lol come." 

Slowly I walked to them and looked at the news paper. When I read it, my smile was fading away and eyes got white and scared. "What.."

Tears were rolling down my cheek and got more and more. "Are you okay..? What is standing there?" Hoseok asked carefully. "Nothing.. it's nothing.." immediately, I wiped away my tears, but Yoongi stopped me.

"Hey, come here. You don't need to tell us, but it's hurting you, so just come here. I'll give you a hug."

Thankfully, I got into his hug and just cried. For a very long time. "Sshh. Everything's gonna be alright. You don't need to tell us what is it, but if you want to talk, we're always here for you. You can always talk to us, I hope you know that." I smiled a bit. But it was a sad, empty smile. "Thanks guys.. I really appreciate that... but I think, I gotta go.. I'm sorry.. bye.."

with my eyes filled with more tears, I ran off and got into my car, driving home. There I was just lying in my bed. And then, I got an idea. Since I've never used my old phone again, where I had sendet him a goodbye, I could maybe see, if he has answered me all these months ago. Or maybe there was only an audio he had sendet me when we were still in a relationship. So I could hear his voice once again.

I knew, it was too late now and I'd never hear something new of him, no smile of him, nothing. But still, I had this small hope in myself. And I was right, he had sendet me a message too. Slowly, I listened to it.

"Hey.. here is Jungkook.. I wanted to say goodbye too. This is my goodbye. Even if you'd come back, we'll never see each other again. This is the end. I love you too."

I had never felt this guilty ever before. If I wouldn't have changed my phone, I would have gotten his call and could convince him to the opposite. But now it was too late. He was gone. Really gone. Forever. I would never see him again, I'd never speak to him ever again.

So I called Jimin. "Hey? Tae? Are you really you? You haven't answered my call for months!" I stayed quiet. "Is it about Jungkook?" He asked after a while. "You know it.. So he's really..?" "Yes. Unfortunately. I'm sorry for your lost. He'll be great over there." "Okay.. thanks.. I think I won't come back so soon.. I'll extend my stay. I'm sorry. Goodbye."

And with these words, I knew this was the end.

So I shot myself.

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