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Jin and Jimin had heard Jungkook.

They now knew how he felt about me and that something had happened three months ago. I had to act to preserve my pride.

"I said fuck off. I'm not gay, I've told you so many times that I'm not. You're just a dick that I can't stand. Now get out of my sight, you bastard. I'm not making out with a guy, certainly not with you. I'm not into men, I'm not gay."

Jungkook knew I had to say that, but still an injured expression came to his face.

"Beat him!" Jimin shouted and laughed. They had taken the story from me. But Jin stood in front of Jungkook.

"Do you know what honorless bastards you are? If Jungkook really has feelings for you, Taehyung, then you should appreciate it and treat him better. I have no idea what he finds in you, you're a lousy dick who bullies people for something they can't do anything for. And if you hurt him again in your life, I'll make sure that no one will sleep with you so quickly and you lose your status as the most popular guy at school." A cold facial expression spread to Jin's face, but Jimin now also stood in front of me.

"Who do you think you are when you talk to Tae like that. This dirty idiot deserves it, what does he just think, he could fall in love with Taehyung, without consequences. Try to ruin Taehyung's status as the most popular guy at school, but I will always stay by his side and everyone else will too. You're just a looser who ridiculously tries to protect his best friend."

Jimin approached Jin and wanted to beat him, but I held him back. "It's not worth it, let's go yours." With one last mocking look, Jimin turned away and we went in.

But I couldn't stop thinking about Jungkook. He had confessed to me. He was gay and liked me in the same way. I couldn't help but smile. "What are you grinning so stupidly?" Jimin asked. "Thank you for campaigning for me. You are a true friend." Now Jimin began to grin. "Don't imagine it too much." We laughed, then we enjoyed the party a little more.

It was my best evening in 3 months. I had a strangely free feeling.

The next morning I called him. "Hello? Is there Jeon Jungkook?" I asked.

"Taehyung? Yes, it's me." I caught myself starting to smile. . "Thank you for not betraying me yesterday. And thank you for what you said. Would you like to come to my place tonight and we'll do what we didn't do yesterday?" I noticed how he also began to smile. "Are you sure? If it somehow comes out, you're done. And your friend doesn't trust you anymore." I didn't think long. "I know that. But I don't care. The only thing that matters to me at the moment is you."

He smiled even more.

"Tell me that when I'm there. Let's say 8:00 p.m. I'll be there?" I thought about it. "7:00 p.m., so long without you is too long for me." He laughed. "You are sweet. See you at 7:00 p.m." We laid down and I had an extremely good feeling.

The whole day was slower than usual and I had nothing but Jungkook in my head. He had called me sweet.

I grinned and realized that I smiled every time I thought of him.

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