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This day and this night and the next day went great. I was happy, had hot moments with my boyfriend and the best: I finally felt free and care.

On the evening he actually had to go home, I talked to him. "What do your parents think about where you stayed the weekend?" "They doesn't care if I don't come. Maybe they think I'm with Jin, maybe they don't think anything." "Don't they worry about you?" "No. Let's talk about something else."

He had problems with his family.. and I had also bullied him.. his life had to be really shitty.

"Would you like to spend the time with me in the time when my parents are not here?" His eyes began to shine. "Really?! Will you bear me for a whole three weeks at a time?"

I smiled, but I felt very bad and guilty. It had happened to him because of me. Just because I couldn't accept my feelings.. "even more than that! Now come on, I have a double bed in my room. But you should know that well by now."

I winked and Jungkook fell happily in my throat. "But you can also set it up in one of the guest rooms and according to your style." I hoped he would refuse. He had to live in my room. I couldn't spend a night without him. "I'm with you every night anyway and without you I never feel comfortable. So I definitely live in your room. With you. In a bed." I smiled. . "Then I want to talk to you. I meant yes, I wouldn't have bullied you for no reason.. I'll tell you this reason now.. but please don't hate me, it's a really stupid reason." But he sat on my lap and looked into my eyes.

"Whatever it is. It is now in the past. I could never hate you. Not in a dream. I love you."

So I started. "When you came to school this school year. I knew you were gay. And I well - I fell in love with you. But I was the most popular type of school and was afraid to lose this status.. just because I had feelings for a boy.. I had bullied you so that I would not get in contact with lgbtq under any circumstances.. and so that I would lose my feelings, but that didn't happen. It hurt me more every day to hurt you like that.. do you remember when I picked you up with the car.. I wanted to confess my feelings to you.. but you had told me so many of my bad qualities of me, I was afraid.. I thought you would never like me.."

my boyfriend looked at me shocked.

"You... liked me..?"

I nodded. "All the time. I'm so sorry..." "You never hated me and I never disgusted you?" "No, neither." "But after our first night... why did you send me away if you liked me?" "I was confused about what dog had done.. I was afraid you would regret it.. and I was afraid it would come out. But I thought about you and our night every single day. And I had missed you so much." Jungkook smiled.

"Me too. I missed you more than anything else."

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