Chapter 1: Mystery Girl

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"Tic toc tic toc tic toc", I mumble in my room while counting the seconds off my clock. It's May 3 on a Wednesday. It's a school night but that still didn't change the fact that... I'm doing nothing. It's kind of funny I guess because I'm in the middle of LA and I can't find anything to do or atleast like I want to. Never mind that , I'm Dialook... Dialook Chosen and I'm 17. My father used to tell me I was named that because I was the chosen one but we all knew that he said that to make feel better. He is such an asshole. I shouldn't be talking about him like this because well, he's dead. He was murdered. Got caught up in the wrong crowd I guess.
Other than my dad, there's my mom and older sister. My mom is nothing to me. She never was. She never understood me and never will. My lovely mother just stays in her room and drinks her life away. "It's sad... She's such a mistake but she needs me", I whisper. We can't forget about my sister, Amber, the captain of the cheerleading team. She always told me to be a leader never a follower but she was the first person to tell me to be just like her. Way to go sis. Anyway, enough about them. Me? Well, I spend my days listening to classic rock in quiet and cold alleys thinking about life with someone who truly loves me. It makes me mad sometimes. Other times I just want to cry. I'm so off.
"Dialook!", my mom yells. I quietly walk into her room. I could almost smell the alcohol, strong and toxic. "Leave the house. A man is coming over tonight.", she said. I wasn't surprised but extremely pissed. How can someone tell their child to leave? I marched to my room and grabbed my ;phone, earbuds, jacket, and cigarettes that I hid from my sister. I ran out the house like I didn't care if I had left the people inside. I'm not sure where I'm going , all I know is that I won't be back until the morning.
My mom does this all the time. She finds some guy at the casino who said she was pretty and then takes him home. It's a cycle. They're probably just some drunk dudes who will say anything to get laid. "Disgusting", I say.
"I wish to be normal. I wish to be loved."
Roaming through the streets I look around and notice. Everyone is dating someone. I try not to notice no more but it's hard knowing that everyone has someone to tell secrets to and who can comfort them when they are down. For me...I'm not looking for romance. Just for my fantasy to become real. Just for the real to become like a fantasy. As I am walking my phone dies. I try humming to kill time but it just makes time slow down. Without paying attention I fall and scrape my elbow. Laying on the rough dirty ground I forget the pain in my arm because I was interrupted by a voice. "Are you okay", says a random boy. I didn't say anything. It's just me still on the floor looking at him. Its kind of hard to see what he looks like because it is already getting dark. But I manage to get up and speak. "I'm not okay but I can get better."I say . "I'll see you around", he says. "But you won't... I'm a nobody." I say and try to walk away but the blood running down my arm keeps interrupting me. "I'm pretty sure I will... have my attention." He says. I can't collect my thoughts after hearing that but when I do it it's too late. He's gone. "Who was he....what does he look I know him?" I mumble one by one as I walk towards a field of flowers. I lay down on the flowers and realize that the only thing I know about him is his voice. What was it like? Deep...but smooth...soft...but not too soft. I fall asleep in the field while only thinking about his voice. Oh that mystery boy has my attention.
"Hey young lady?", I hear from some random voice. I suddenly wake and realize school starts in 20 minutes. Without thinking I start to run out the field. It's scary because some old guy is chasing me. He looks like a pedaphile. "Hey you, wait up!", I keep hearing him say. I'm out the field and running down the main street to my house. While running so fast there is no time for my sweat to fall off my face. I raced! Finally I'm home.
Before I even have the chance to open the door I can hear yelling. My expression never changes as I open the door. My mom all beaten up on the ground with bruises all on her face. "What happened! Are you playing?", I say while picking her up. She pushes me off her and slaps me. "Get off of me! Just leave! No one told you to come back!" My mom says in such a furious and broken voice. Without saying a word I walk to my room and grab my bag that's filled with old assignment papers, an old box of cigarettes and a wallet with $200 in it. "Are you sure mom? You don't need me huh? Okay I'll leave."
As I walk out the door I can feel her presence following me.
I forget all about her as I walk to school. I even forget why I'm still going to school. I turn the other direction and head towards a convenient store. I didn't eat all last night not this morning. I can hear my stomach growling.
It smells like old garbage in front of the store. As I hurry in and grab a bag of chips I already feel uneasy. Suddenly two guys follow in behind me dressed in all dark colors. They slowly walk through each aisle as if they have nothing to buy. One of the two guys walks towards the door and stands there while the other goes up to the cashier. I head to the back of the store not knowing what's happening. POW! A gun went off! I look at the cashier...he's just laying there on the counter. So much blood coming out of his head.
I try to go out the back door. "Hey, who the fuck are you?", one of the men yelled at me. I turned around and looked at him not showing fear. "You don't need to know", I say back at him. I can see his gun rising and pointing at me. Suddenly out of no where a guy quickly pulled me back. "Stay here and don't move." He said so nicely...wait? That voice sounds so familiar. Could it be him? What is he doing? There he is fighting off the guys! Whoah he's strong. I need to get out of here; the police sirens are started to get closer. I run to the door but there he is blocking me. At that moment I could see his face so clear and it was...well...really amazing. Wavey dark brown eyes that sparkle...soft pink lips....A+ bone structure. He has everything!
He looks down at me and says "who are you?" "Im just a girl whose bored." I say back. "No, I think there's more to it. I try walking the other direction but then he grabs my hand and turns me around. "The real question is who are you?" I tell him while looking at his green eyes. "I'm someone who can give you the time of your life. Are you willing to come along?" He says with a smile. I can't think of anything to say so I'm just biting my lip. He starts to walk away then he turns around and whispers" I'll see you soon mystery girl." Mystery girl huh.... Okay.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2015 ⏰

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