Chapter 4: Until Now and From Now On

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(~5 years ago~)

The room was dark, what little light from the very early morning sky made it possible for a person to see in the room. The man in the futon on the floor opened his eyes and rolled over. He didn't have to be able to see the teen standing by the window, he could sense him.

"Where is she?" Sasuke asked. "I'm really not in the mood to ask again."

"If I knew where she was, do you think that I would tell you?" The Hatake blinked.

"I think that you would have sense enough to know that I'm not here to waste my time, Kakashi." A pair of red Sharingan shone clearly visible through the dark room.

Kakashi stared up at the ceiling. "She finally got away from you, or did you lose her?"

Sasuke exhaled. "I don't feel her chakra anymore. Would she have gone back to Shibuya?"

"I wouldn't put it past her, but what would've been keeping her from doing it two months ago?" He asked.

The 18 year-old bit his lip. "...That doesn't matter. Where are the scrolls that I had in my house?"

"Why would I tell you that after we raided the place?" Kakashi sat up.

"Because I can either use a scroll or tear open a hole to another city that will spill out into this world." He glared at his old sensei.

"You haven't looked around as well as you normally do." The partially masked man turned to him. "You're not thinking straight? You're slipping up, I can tell."

"You don't know me!!!" Sasuke shouted. "None of you god damn know me, except for her, Kakashi!"

There was silence for a few seconds. Sasuke panted and paced as he tried to steady his breathing. He had to get to you, he just had to.

Every second felt like hell to him. It was like a crack addict without their fix, except  you were no fix. Sasuke didn't just get a bit of you every so often and then enjoy your memory and the feeling of having been with you, he had to be with you all of the time, every second.

Kakashi spoke again. "You can't cross over into the other world, Sasuke, it doesn't work like that."

"Oh, it doesn't?" Sasuke chuckled. "Don't lie to me, Kakashi. I've opened portals before."

"There's only one way, but it's nearly impossible." He shook his head. "You can't open up a bunch of portals through different dimensions, we aren't fighting Kaguya again!"

"You don't think that I will?" His eyes intensified, and then he was gone.


The pale 18 year-old pressed his hands against the sides of the hotel mirror. He had bags underneath his eyes, and his stomach growled loudly.

Shibuya was so different from his home, but he managed as best he could. He was able to speak and understand what everyone was saying, which he guessed was just something that came with crossing over the barrier.

The clothes that he had to wear to fit in weren't his style at all, but it was what he had to do, he seemed to stand out enough already when he was in public. A boy around his age gave him three outfits and directions to a store where Sasuke bought a couple more things to wear that weren't too bad.

He couldn't get a real job because he had no papers, so he resorted to quickly lucrative and illegal jobs. Someone wanted some guy's leg broken, it got broken. If someone needed money delivered, it got to its destination. During the previous week, he crossed paths with a money truck on its way to he didn't know where, but a quick jutsu meant an empty vehicle for the armed officers driving.

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