Chapter 11: Abandon Past

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"How do you feel?" Tsunade asked, feeling your forehead.

"A bit hungry and wounded, but I'll manage." You rubbed the tears from your face as Yato hold you close while rubbing your arm.

Hinata grabbed her friend's hand, tears overfilling her eyelids. "I am so happy that you are awake again!"

"Hinata... It's good to see you..." You hugged the Hyuga woman. "It's been so long, it's like part of my life was ripped away, and I know it is going to be a while before I readjust, but I'm just so glad to be back in reality."

"There will be some side effects from the trauma." Toya told the three. "There will probably be dreams that will seem very real, and you might wake up and think you are dreaming."

"I'll make sure she doesn't do anything embarrassing!" Hinata smiled through her sniffling.

The door opened, and Shizune entered the room. "Lady Tsunade, Sakura has been captured. Naruto brought her back."

"I will talk to her before Kakashi sentences her." The blonde lady nodded. "(Y/n), rest. Make sure you do not leave this room, or I will come find you and-"

"I got it." you wave off.

Everyone including your brothers followed Tsunade and Shizune, but Yato and Hinata refused to leave her friend, and no one was going to try and force them.

Hinata's head rested on your thighs as Yato slept next to you. You stared up at the ceiling, feeling yourself drifting off to sleep as you pet Yato's head. 

You wished you would wake up in your bedroom instead of in a hospital, but as long as this was the real reality, you did not care. You remembered everything you had known before Sakura drugged you.

You remembered that Naruto and you got ramen at Ichiraku's with friends almost every Friday. You remembered the house you lived in that she would have to pass Kakashi's and Naruto's apartments to get to, which you loved because she could always check up on them when they were sick. 

You remembered that Kakashi noticed that you did not pass by one morning, when a group of boys had stopped you on the way and would not let you pass. They pushed you once before all of them were pummeled by Kakashi. 

Ever since then, Kakashi was a hundred times cooler than he already was to you. You remembered that Neji and Hinata would always attend your tea parties and braid their hair when you were sad.

You especially remembered that you still had to beat Sasuke and Sakura's asses for sleeping with each other, but Yato could do that for you later.

 Your eyes closed, and you felt at peace for once in so long. A tear rolled down your cheek. After so long, you felt safe, and you almost completely sure that this was not a dream. 

Dreams did not feel like this. Just as everything faded to black for you, the door opened again. Sasuke's eyes first looked at Hinata sleeping on you but then quickly to you and Yato.

Your eyes snapped open, and your head turned towards the door. You blinked a few times and looked around the room. You could have sworn that someone was there. 

Maybe it was just your head. The sudden shock disturbed you from your tiredness, so you just sat back on the pillows while Yato cuddles you closer. Your memory was much more clear, and your thoughts were not as jumbled as earlier.

All of those memories that you thought were sweet moments with Sasuke were really with your brother, Kyouwa, and you finally found him. 

Those moments when Sasuke had gone crazy was all Sakura's doing. The sudden change in personality, from Kyouwa's sweetness to that psychotic episode, Sasuke scared and confused you, but that apparently would have led you to stay away from the lone Uchiha.

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