Chapter 6: Desperation

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"(Y/n)?" Sasuke called as he walked down the hallway. "...(Y/n)?"

 A door slid open, and a girl poked her head out. "Yes, Sasuke?"

His heart warmed at the sight of you, but it came with the feeling of guilt. You were still a bit distant from him due to the jutsu he cast on you. He didn't want to think about it. He had to keep acting as if he was just relieved to have you back.

"Come on, sweetie, dinner is ready." He told you.

 You walked down the hallway and past him, little to no emotion on your face. You were still a bit uncomfortable around him, but that was alright. You would both get used to being together again.

Sasuke sat across from you at the table, silently watching you eat. Your eyes widen a bit and enjoy the taste of the food. It was one of  your  favorites, kimichi. Sasuke smiled and bit into his onigiri before looking at the window. It was getting colder, and that meant you had a difficult few months ahead of you. Your condition didn't seem to be getting any better.

'I'm so sorry.' He wanted to say to you.

 He wanted to tell you that it was all his fault and not totally that man who he kill's, but he couldn't. You would hate him. 

He couldn't have that.

You leaving him wasn't an option. Everything that he had done, this entire situation, was all for you! He would never just let you go!

Any other boy that would try to claim that you were his girlfriend or even a wife WOULD DIE AT THAT VERY MOMENT-

The sound of  your coughing killed the Uchiha's thoughts. What had he been thinking about? He didn't know, and it no longer mattered.

"(Y/n), are you alright?" He stood.

You put  your hand up and shook your head. "I'm okay, it's fine. Ahem. Thank you. I'm just a little tired-"

   With that, Sasuke picked you up and carried you down the hallway, ignoring your protests.

Tsunade said that you needed to get plenty of rest, and you were almost always tired, so even if Sasuke didn't bring you to your room, you would fall asleep somewhere in the house, and he would wake you up trying to take you to your room, only for you to say that you weren't tired again.

"I'm not tired." You repeated for the umpteenth time as Sasuke pulled the covers up to your mouth, purposely holding the comforter over your mouth.

"Of course not." He said. "Just lay down for an hour or so for me, okay?"

"You keep talking to me like I'm a baby." you mumbled, an irritated expression on your face

"I'm sorry, I just want to take care of you because you're still unwell." He sat beside you.

"None of this isn't my fault." You turned over.

   Sasuke felt a pang in his chest. It was all his fault. A small hand grabbed his and pulled him closer. He hugged you as he laid behind you.

"I'm cold." You said in a monotone voice, as if that was your reasoning behind it and you didn't just want Sasuke to hold you.

"Sure." He smiled and closed his eyes.


The now seemingly distant memory replayed in the Uchiha's head all over again as the sounds of screaming died down.

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