Chapter 12: God's Love to the Dragon-Phoenix

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Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura met in the center of what was left of a building. "They're destroying the east side of the village! Sakura, Team 8, and I have evacuated most of the residents on this side."

"Should we join the others and fight?" Sakura asked.

"You need to get to shelter too." The blond shook his head. "Did you evacuate the hospital?"

Sakura's eyes lowered. "Not exactly. We can't move the patients in critical condition because they're too fragile."

"(Y/n) is still in the hospital?!" Sasuke's eyes widened.

"I can't risk moving her and-" The pink-haired woman began.

A sudden explosion in the distance caught the group off guard. "Damn it! That's close to the hospital." Naruto gritted his teeth. "Sasuke, Sakura, get to the frontlines. I'm almost out of chakra as it is, so I'll watch after (Y/n) and the rest of the patients."

"You're still more useful than I am!" Sakura blurted out. "I-I can stay back and protect (Y/n) while you and Sasuke fight."

"No," Naruto insisted, "there's plenty of people need your healing skills. You and Sasuke go."

Sakura opened her mouth to speak again, but Sasuke beat her to it. "Let's go, Sakura."

The two ran off, and Naruto hurried in the direction of the hospital. There was rubble in the streets blocking off access to some buildings and a few small fires here and there. A faint cry for help barely found its way to the Uzumaki's ears, leading him to another direction. He traced the voice to the small shop to his right, where a growing fire was starting to burn the end of a curtain on the window and filling the store with smoke. After putting out the fire, Naruto broke open the front windows, which could not be opened otherwise, to let out the smoke.

"Hello?" he called.

"Kiku, pick up!" he heard someone say before a click sound.

Naruto looked on the counter near the cash register and saw a walkie-talkie. He picked it up and pressed the respond button. "Hello?" he released the button.

"Kiku?!" a child's voice answered.

"No, this is  Naruto Uzumaki." He replied.

"Where's Kiku?" the child asked. "Is she there with you?"

"No," he said, "Your friend is probably at one of the shelters or care centers. Don't worry yourself until all of this is over, alright?"

"But I have to find her!" the child persisted.

"How about this?" Naruto looked around the store. "You tell me your name and where you are, and I'll try to find your friend, where she is, and I'll give her his walkie-talkie, okay? If you don't hear anyone respond on this, I haven't found her yet."

"Okay, my name is Toshiro, and I'm in the south hideout near my school." The boy said.

"Okay, Toshiro." Naruto smiled. "I'll try to find Kiku."

Naruto turned off the walkie-talkie and exited the shop. He resumed his route to the hospital and was glad to see that the area with the most damage was the first side to be evacuated and the opposite side of where you were being kept. Within minutes, he was on the floor for the critical patients. The hallway was practically silent, far too quiet when compared to the usual beeping sound of several IV units. Something did not feel right.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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