Chapter 9: No Mercy on Sasuke or Sakura

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Yato has been running around the forest with the Saber-Team. He search all over for you yntil he saw you lighting up the flare indicating that you've been fighting Sasuke for your life.

So he hurry to save you and then he suddenly saw your brother trying to get you loose from Sasuke's threads. And that's when his heart sinks and felt anger to stop Sasuke from hurting you.

You, Kyouwa and Yato defeated Sasuke who got knocked out and the Hidden Leaf with Kakashi were here and arrested the Uchiha binding his eyes and his arms as he thrash his body telling all the Shinobi's to get off of him.

At that moment, the two had noticed you falling from where you were held by the threads that decayed from your flames, watching as you fell on your back. "(Y/n)!" The two chorused.

Kyouwa tried to move, but barely had the strength to stand, falling on his stomach as he clenched on the end of his sword," (Y/n)!"

Yato ran to you and knelt down cradling you as he shook you lightly. "(Y/n)....(Y/n)!"

You slightly open your eye's weakly and tilt your head seeing Yato, his eyes watered with tears as he held you in his arms. "Yato..."

"(Y/n)!" Yato hugs you close. "Thank god...I found you." Suddenly he heard a grunt alerted him and began to glare behind.

Sasuke was recovering from a sudden power  and began to crawl over towards you. "You think a mere power join together could defeat me?  ....." he couldn't see who was holding you but he better end this now. "I'll kill you and your two friends. I haven't been this enraged in a long time."

When Sasuke was about to attack the person holding you close the Anbu member restrain him with wires as he fell down again.

"That's enough Sasuke. This madness has to stop." The person who had rescued the two of you was one of the Famous shinobi of Konohagakure's Hatake clan. Kakashi Hatake. 

The Anbu binds Sasuke's eyes as he thrashed around getting away while Asben, Niro and Dark showed up and realized that Kyouwa was alive as they hurry to his side while Yato soot up carrying you in his arms in bridle style.

Your teacher Kakashi walks up to Yato with his hands in his pocket, taking a good look at the god.

"Let's get her to safety, my team will put Sasuke into  a secure area to keep an eye on him."

Yato nodded as he follows you teacher with your brothers tailing behind with Sasuke retrained to the Hidden Leaf; The Will of Fire.

{~Konoha Hospital~}

"Of course it hurts." You pushed Kakashi's hand away from your forehead. Ever since you arrived the doctor treated your wounds while the did the same with KYouwa in the other room separately.

You wonder where's Yato anyway. The last time you saw him was just a burly tears in his beautiful blue cat eyes.

"Oh, sorry." The masked sensei smiled from underneath his mask.

"Even though it's been 5 years, nothing has changed. " You rub your temple. "But it's good to see you, taking care of my well being, I'm honored."

"I do care, (Y/n), I'm just trying to cheer you up. After all you are one of my top students other that your old teammates" He handed you a glass of water from the hospital table that was too far away  for you to have reached on your own. "I'm glad that all he could do was give you a cut on your head and some small bruises before we got to him."

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