Chapter 5: Desire

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Sasuke sat back against the door. His hands, which were even more pale than his face, were now covered in deep red. The bathroom was due for a cleaning anyways, but this would make it even more of a hassle.

"What did you do, are you crazy?" He said aloud, knowing that it was what you would say if you found out. "...Tch...that cute, little face seems so harmless until you make her angry."

He had everything for the first night set up. His love had been kept waiting long enough, hadn't he?

You had more than likely been paranoid for weeks, wondering where he was and what he would do. You would not have to wait much longer. Once someone found the body and the local news teams covered the story, everything would fall into place.

Completing the first night was simple, but there was a witness, someone who he could not allow to simply walk away. Sure, Sasuke could allow someone to get away and not worry about being caught, but was in a bad mood and the man deserved it after he kicked that dog in the alleyway.

Furthermore, Sasuke could just tell that the man had done much worse and would probably not do anything good in his life. You would have approved, he was...almost certain.

The Uchiha stared at the blood that stained his clothes and had splattered around the bathroom in disgust. The man didn't deserve to have his blood touching the 18 year-old.

Sasuke's hand could soon be in contact with you. He stood up at the very thought and began washing his hands. He had to clean the bathroom before leaving the abandoned building, which he would burn immediately after.

There would only be one more trip to make before he could set up a decent living arrangement for himself nearby your house.

"Yato, help me..." You whimpered, Sasuke held his  sword close to your neck.

"(Y/n)! No!! Let her go!!" Yato struggled to get to you, but there was an invisible force holding him back from saving you.

"Yato!" you cried one last time, before Sasuke unleashed his lightning blade to stab your chest.


Yato shot up from his sleep, breathing heavily. Nightmares were not something he usually had a problem with, but this one was more vivid than any others.

He looked beside him to see your still sleeping there, the moonlight bouncing off your skin of your back. Yato sighed in relief, still catching his breath. Leaning backwards on the pillow, he didn't notice your eyes squinting open.

"What's the matter?" you asked, slightly startling the God. You'd never seen him so scared, not even when Sasuke is on the wanted list.

"It's nothing. I'm fine." he said, and wrapped his arms around your form, pulling her into his bare chest.

You didn't fully believe him. There was a far away look in his blue eyes that made you worry that he wasn't telling you the full truth.

"You don't need to lie, Yato." you whispered, making Yato look at you. He kissed you softly, something that was usually foreign to him. He was never really a gentle lover, but he felt as though he might break you if he didn't.

"It was just a dream." he said.


"The one about this Sasuke guy kidnapping you."

"Oh." was all you could understand. "I suppose I should explain what's my relationship with the rouge ninja, huh?"

"Yeah." Yato truly wants to know more before he could make an attempt to face him. "Could you tell me more about yourself? Also....tell me about him as to why is he so obsessed with you?"

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