Chapter 7: Bloody Rain

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The fight continues on with you versus Sasuke Uchiha.

Yato and your brothers are wondering around the forest to search for you as we speak.

You were out of your element on this one, which was odd and it baffled you. You were strong and you'd train yourself to be prepared for anything your entire life.

Honestly, it was surprising. To be bested like this.

Cutting off all ties with others, you trained yourself to be the best you could be.

Sasuke was your comrade, and you're sure he doesn't need you anymore. He was only paying attention to you and Naruto...especially Naruto...remembering all the things he got stronger in...and all those enemies Sasuke failed to defeat...but Naruto succeeded.

And that his own brother... he also came for Naruto. As he got caught in his train of thought, you went to slice his neck as he deflect with his blade with yours and bend backwards before standing on his own two feet.

Sasuke glanced over to and then, his face had turned into a glare. The same glare you saw on him before when you got abused by him.

The rain feels like it bleeds red for two battles as you stood there all torn with your clothes and your hair falls over your face with your blood

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The rain feels like it bleeds red for two battles as you stood there all torn with your clothes and your hair falls over your face with your blood.

You just need to by time so you can light up the flare to signal Yato that your here battling with the Uchiha.

You slowly approach Sasuke then suddenly warp to close and knock his feet on the ground, holding your sword against Sasuke's throat.

Sasuke coughs out blood. "Anyone told you that your chakra is different from all shinobi? There's no point in fighting me, (Y/n). Naurto already tried this approach."

You scoffed, "You're a mutted Blackheart."

Sasuke smirked - that crazed, crazed smirk that made you wonder if there was even a inch of sane left in the mind of Sasuke Uchiha.

And what hatred you feel the most was that you thought the answer to be no.

"You're only saying that, babe." he pushed you off of him and grab your hair throwing you by the trees and crashed. You got up as Sasuke charged up to you as you backed away swinging your sword as you both clash once again.

 Quickly, you threw some Cosmic Fire, successfully deflecting his knife away.

He always has been and always will be a cold freak with no love for others.

"Stay down (Y/n)! "

"Never! I'll push forward until you will be the one to fall on your knees!"

"There you go acting all high and mighty like Naruto! You don't honestly believe you've moved on and found some imaginary boyfriend, who doesn't even exist!"

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