Chapter 8: His Prayers for You has been Answered

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Kyouwa Kido Yuji is alive!

Your own God-brother is alive all this time.  

You stood there in disbelief and joy that it feels like that other fated gods decided to play tricks at you. But it seems that your not having those nightmares anymore, this time it's for real.

"Kyou....wa....Aniki....?" you uttered.

Kyouwa started to tear up in tears. "Oh, (Y/n)!"   he started to  run up and hug you so tight even though he's careful not to injure you right now. You feel his heartbeat and his warmth threw his body not knowing that he ignores the injuries inquiring the fact that there was a bit of battles on his way when he found you.

You started to feel all your revenge and your hatred against Akaito and Syaoran just suddenly disappear from your sadden heart. You broke down and sobbed and hug your god-brother back. Hugging him tight as if your afraid that you would lose him again as he rub your back and caressed your long dark hair.

Kyouwa pulls away slightly wiping the tears away from your eyes before seeing the bloody scratches from your face. "(Y/n).....I'm so sorry.... I try to come back for you and Asben, I swear I did but I....I've been sent to another dimension."

".....Syaoran?" you asked.

"Haven't seen him...but it doesn't matter. I'm just... I'm just so happy I never think  I'd see you like this." Kyouwa pulls you back in a hug again.

"Are you really Kyouwa?" you asked so you are not tricked.

Kyouwa pulls away and hold your face with a smile. "Yes...I am. It's me Kyouwa. Your brother, I'm right here and alive. The same brother you always look up to when I lift you up to pick peaches from trees."

You sobbed again knowing that you know you were not being tricked by your imagination. "Things haven't been the same without you brother.....I've been taking my anger  on everybody who did this to you."

"I know Baby-Dragon, I know." Kyouwa leans his forehead against yours. "You've been fighting for  so've been carrying this burden on your shoulders because of me...and I'm so sorry you had to endure such pain. Me too, because It's alright now, I'm here and I'm home at last. What matters is that we had each other."

 You both hug once again in the embrace when Sasuke regain conscious, he looks at the two of you down with disgust.

"You..." Sasuke growls interrupting your reunion before glaring at him murderously and put up your guard again. "You're supposed to be dead, Yuji."

Kyouwa push you behind him. "Yeah, but it will take more than the Lightning Gods Dragon's attack power to burn all my lifepoints. Anyways, I've been watching you hurting my sister, it ends now, Uchiha."

"Hurting?" Sasuke gripping his sword. "Don't put your assumptions on me, Yuji. I'm her boyfriend and her only family. We're joined by a powerful bond. And besides, this is between me and my bride to be. So don't interfere. Or I'll carve you up."

"She's not yours, she never was!" Kyouwa protested.  "Whether it's your family or your ally, if you have a strong bond between you or (Y/n), then either one should be just as precious! Calling it flimsy if you're not boyfriend material.... you are an obsessed power hungry bastard! Not only that, but those who have a strong bond give off the scent of trust! But all I'm picking up from you is a  scent of terror, hatred and repulsion! That's not what you call a bond! It's counterfeit! It's forged!"

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