"My Feelings for You"- Chapter II: Confession

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One week later...

"Chrono-san!", Anjou called. The red-haired boy stood up and waved to Anjou. "Good morning, Anjou!" said Chrono, who was looking at some booster packs.


"Chrono, i think you should confess your feelings to Tokoha."

"W-wait, WHAT?! Shion, are you serious? I don't even know if she likes me or not!" Chrono blushes heavily.

"Whatever, just tell her straight that you like her. This is your only chance, Chrono." Shion said.

"Okay, okay, fine. I'll do it tommorow." Chrono said.


Team TRY3 (Chrono, Anjou, and Shion) was supposed to train in the park but Shion was busy with his fencing lessons and Kamui can't leave the store since Misaki needs someone to operate the store. So there was no alternative to accompany him other than Anjou Tokoha, his crush.
"So, where are we headed, Chrono?" Anjou asked Chrono.

"Well i am thinking of joining a tag team tournament so i can upgrade to Grade 3 quickly." he replied. "But first, i need to buy some stuff first. Follow me."

Anjou followed Chrono to the supermarket, where he buyed some supplies and food. While he was waiting for his reciept, they were sitting in a bench near the counter. All of a sudden, Anjou was nowhere to be found. Chrono panicked. "Where the hell is she?!" Chrono kept looking for Anjou, in the Food Store, in the Tech Department, in the Supermarket, and she was nowhere to be found. Suddenly, he found her in the Department Store. Anjou was staring dreamily at a dress. But suddenly she frowned a bit. "Oh for cray's sake i was looking for you!" Anjou was startled, and accidentaly bumped Chrono. When she opened her eyes, she and Chrono were in quite... an awkward position. Both blushed heavily.

"I-im sorry, Chrono-san!!!" She offered to help him get his things, which were tossed around when Tokoha fell on him.

Chrono looked at the item that Anjou was looking at. "Whoa... this is expensive!" 2800 Yen! He looked at his wallet. 5000 Yen inside.

"Hey, Tokoha. I noticed that you were looking at this dress. Mind if i buy it for you?" Chrono said to Anjou.

"W-what?!?!" She was blushing a lot. "I-its okay, C-chrono-san! I can just buy it!" Anjou stuttered.

But before she said that, Chrono was already walking towards the counter aisle. He buyed the dress for her with no hesitation.
"T-thank you, Chrono-san!" Anjou hugged Chrono a little.
"I-its okay, Tokoha-chan!"

"So, should we head to the tournament now?"

"Yeah. It's at the park nearby." Chrono checked his watch. "C'mon! Only half an hour 'til the tournament starts!"


After the tournament, Chrono and Anjou was exhausted. Chrono and Anjou won the tournament, but Chrono still needs more points to get to grade three. They were resting on a bench near the park. They were practicing for their regionals next week. "You know, i used to come here with my brother Mamoru. We practice here and talk about Vanguard."

"How about we practice here, Anjou?" Chrono said.

"S-sure, Chrono-san!" Anjou was blushing. "S-something the matter, Anjou?" Both cardfighters were blushing heavily.

"Let's start, Anjou!"

"Stand up, Vanguard!" Both cardfighters said.

"Gunnergear Dracokid!"

"Petal Blossom, Annas!" (Note: Annas is a fan-made Neo Nectar card)

(Moments later...)

"Twinkling bud, it's time to blossom! Ride! Rananculus Flower Maiden, Ahsha! Annas's skill activated, calling another Ahsha as a rearguard!" Anjou was preparing for her attack.

"Annas boosts Ahsha! Attack!"
"I guard with Steam Maiden Uluru and especial intercept with Gear Turtle!" Chrono said.

"Wha... a total of 21000 shield! Twindrive, a draw trigger!" Anjou said.

"I give all effects to my rearguard Ahsha! Attack!" Anjou had one attack left. Both players have 5 damage. If he didn't guard, she would win!"

"Guard!" Chrono said as he placed a card in the guardian circle.

"Back to you, Chrono" Anjou said in unison.

"Now, Generation Zone Release! Mystery-flare!" Chrono said as he placed his trump card in his vanguard circle.

"N-no guard!" Anjou said as her sixth damage fell on her board.

"You're getting stronger every week, Chrono!" Anjou complimented.

"A-ah, t-thats no big deal, Anjou!" Chrono scratched his head as his face turned red.

After their practice, they went to Chrono's house. After taking him there, Anjou bid farewell to his teammate.

"Well, Chrono, i have to go now! I can go back to my house at my own! See y-"

Anjou was interrupted by Chrono as he grabbed her hand. Anjou blushed deep red.

"A-Anjou, i have something to tell to you." Both cardfighters were blushing.


"Anjou, ever since the day i met you, i had feelings for you. I was so afraid that if i told you this, you would abandon me. But now, i have the courage and will to tell you that... Tokoha Anjou, I-i love you."

Anjou was surprised. Before he said another word, Anjou pulled Chrono to her, and kissed him.

Chrono was shocked. "Chrono, I love you too."

"So, dinner? My treat?" Chrono said to his new girlfriend.

"Sure!" Anjou replied.
Both cardfighters held hands and smiled as they walked towards a restaurant.

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