The Gala

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Izuku woke up the next morning in his big bed, in the middle of his wives, he looked at the clock and read the time 5:00 AM

Izuku was about to get up when simultaneously all five of them spoke

All of them: five more minutes

Izuku chuckled and stayed in bed

Izuku: what do you guys want to do today?

Ochako: sleep

Momo: Father invited us to his gala later, we should do that

Kyouka: will there be food?

Rumi: I don't know, I'm not trying to be proposed to by a bunch of rich guys

Nemuri: me neither

Momo: Father insisted that we all go

Izuku: or, we could have a date night

Momo: this isn't up for debate

Izuku: what about Eri and Fen?

Momo: Father said they should stay home since it will be boring

Izuku: I might have something to do late-

Momo bit Izuku's peck and he shot up

Izuku: Ah! What the hell Momo!

Momo: you are going!

Izuku: two can play at that game

Izuku bit Momo's boob and she let out a moan

Everyone looked at Momo for a second

Rumi: so our Momo's a masochist~

Nemuri: I'm awake, Kyouka-

Kyouka: already locked the door

Ochako: here's the deal Momo, we'll go, if we have some fun

Momo: w-what? What about Eri? And the rest of the class-

Izuku: just sent Zumi a text, she'll watch Eri until Noon, not to mention Ejiro and Mina will be there

Momo: oh God what did I get myself into?

Izuku: let's find out

*Time skip to noon*

The family came downstairs with looks of satisfaction, although Momo looked exhausted

Izuku: Man, I'm hungry I wonder-

Katsumi: we made you and your wives lunch sir!

Shoto: please forgive us! We made breakfast too but Iida insisted that we eat it since you weren't joining us

Izuku: right... Did Eri have some?

Eri: yeah, it was pretty bad

Katsumi/shoka: Gah! Please forgive us!

The two yelled as they bowed down to Izuku and Eri

Momo: I'm too tired to ask

Ochako: Izuku what did you do?

Izuku: nothing much, just traumatized them

Kyouka: you say that so casually!

Nemuri and Rumi hit Izuku on the head and forced him into his knees

Rumi: I know they're assholes so I'll say this once, apologize

Izuku: I'm sorry.

Nemuri: for?

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