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It was the following week after Izuku and Izumi were accepted into Sir Nighteye's agency. Izumi said something about feeling sick and didn't attend classes

Izuku: Okay, and that's time! Please turn in your quizzes to Mr.Aizawa since today I won't be back after lunch

Izuku quickly gathered his things and started walking to the dorms, he was quickly accompanied by Ochako, Kyouka, Momo, and Tsu since they were all part of Ryukyu's work study and also had a patrol scheduled

Izuku: You guys forget something too?

Tsu: I want to check on Izumi

Izuku: I was planning on doing the same, I also need an old  journal

After arriving at Izumi's door, Izuku knocked

Izuku: Zumi? Are you feeling better? Are you hungry?

Tsu: we're just checking up on you

At first, there was silence, and eventually, they got a response

Izumi: Just go

She sounded exhausted, more than anything Izuku wanted to go in and make sure she was okay

He tried turning the knob but it was locked. He was almost tempted to break the door

Izuku sighed and spoke again

Izuku: okay… I'll tell nighteye you aren't feeling well but… Zumi, you call if you need anything, okay?

He waited for a moment and still received no response

Izuku grunted and walked off to his room, where he was met by his wives

Izuku: What are you guys looking for?

Kyouka: I just tagged along, but you know Ochako. She lost her good luck, charm

Momo: we also forgot our knives

Izuku pulled out a small box and handed it to Momo

She kissed him on the cheek, and Izuku realized what was missing

Izuku: Where's my chest?

Ochako: What?

Izuku: y'know the 200 lbs chest I had in the closet?

Momo: Oh, that thing! We moved it to Eri's room

Izuku: Why?

Kyouka: Nem said it was taking up too much space in the closet

Izuku: it would have been nice if you told me

They all left the room, and Izuku entered Eri's room. He was surprised to see his daughter there playing with Fenrir

Izuku: Snowball. What're you doing here? I thought you were having lunch with Mama and Mama Nem

Eri: they had Hero stuff to do

Izuku: Sorry to hear that, sweetie

Izuku walked into her closet and opened up the chest. He proceeded to pull out a small bag

Ochako: What's that?

Izuku turned to the doorway and saw his wives

Izuku: it's a bag, but it has a special Dwarven enchantment, so it's super deep

Izuku said while plunging his entire arm into the bag

Momo: And what's in there?

Izuku: it's a library, so it's full of journals, bestiaries, scrolls, and books

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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