Chapter Nine : heartbreak

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Bachira pov:

I was in the closet with Isagi, it's been 3 minutes, so we still have time!

"Sooo that we got time to talk, can I ask you a question?" I asked Isagi, my heart felt it was beating a thousand times per second, like it was about to pop out of my chest. "I mean we were so busy that we didn't get time to have a little chat!" I smiled the biggest I could at this moment.

"Oh..this is awkward..sure, what's the question?" Isagi asked while making some space for himself so he can sit a little bit back.

"Well, do you have a crush? I mean I get that if you don't have one!" I smiled and asked him, yeah, my heart was definitely going to explode out of my chest!






Everything went silent, deafening silence. Who knew silence can hurt your heart and your ears?

His smile went downhill,

He questionably opened his mouth to speak, but hesitatated, then opened it for a second time, "Ah, I don't really have a crush on anyone..well I might do but just a little bit.."

He tried his best to not look at me in the eye, while I was staring at him wide eyed.

"Isagi..why do you sound so sad..?"

No no no no no no Meguru, hold those tears back! He hasn't even said anything! Why do you sound so frustrating! He didn't say he didn't like you! Isagi might have a crush on you.. well.. yeah..or..maybe not....

"Oh..c-can I ask y-you who is it..? T-they must be l-lucky.." I shuddered, well he would have realised I might be crying if he looked me in the eye, but he didn't. I quickly wiped my tears away and then I turned my face a little bit so he couldn't see me crying. Why am I crying? Why why why why why why?!

"Sorry Meguru, I don't know if this upsets you but I have a crush on someone else. I'm really sorry.."

Screw it. Screw it. I can't hold back. These salty hot tears, I can't. I can't i can't i can't i can't I CANT.

I started sobbing. "A-ah n-no it's f-fine! I-its o-okay! I-I.." hiccups. Hiccups kept intrupting me. He finnally lifted his face to look at me in my eyes.

"Bachira..are you okay..?" Isagi started reaching out to my face, I don't know why, but my hand reacted on my own. I accidentally hit his hand and pushed it away. "Ow!" He said painfully.

"No no no no no, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" I screamed.

I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine.

I'm not fine.

Why WHY . . . . .

Maybe if things could have been different?

Maybe I was not a freak?

Maybe If I wasn't a creep?

Maybe if I was better?

Maybe if I wasn't so selfish?

Maybe..maybe in a different universe, where things are different..

Maybe If I was good enough for him.

"Bachira.. I'm not upset that you hit me.." Isagi sounded sad. Like he was pitying me. "I don't know why..why are you so upset? I'm sorry if I said anything bad.." he then reached out to my hair and ruffled it. "You'll always be my best friend, no matter what, right?"

Mhm. I knew it. Eyes don't lie, They never do.

When I first saw Isagi, we made eye contact.

I saw a lover, he saw a friend.

Well, no matter what, I'll still love you, Isagi. Even if it means loving you as a friend.

I started to calm down and then finnally gained all the courage and strength to ask him, "So..who is the lucky person whom you adore?" I sighed. Well, I didn't expect things to run this way, but it's probably for the better. I don't deserve him, someone better does!.. yeah.

"Well..I don't know if I really like him, but he makes me smile internally, but I don't know.." he smiled softly.

"I wanna know who makes you smile! I wanna know!! Comeon Isagi, don't be shy~" I wanted to cry, but that has to wait for when I'm alone, right?

"Well.. it's Rin, if I don't lie. He has the calmest voice I've ever heard, it makes my day better, i don't know if it's just me though, but I've fallen for him ever since I've made human contact, sorry if this sounds cringe but I really like him, I have never spoke to anyone about love, sorry Bachira.. don't be sad though, I'm sure you'll find someone you like one day!" He ruffled my hair one last time.

"Yeah. Can I ask you one last thing Isagi?" I smiled while asking him, I don't know if the smile was fake or not, because I felt nothing.

"Yeah sure, I don't know why, but talking about my crush, it made my chest feel a little lighter." He spoke and chuckled.

"Will you always be my friend, no matter what?" I smiled, this time it was real,

loving someone whom you like is not a hard thing, it's the searching it takes to find the person who you love. This time was a fluke, i wonder what this journey awaits for me next?

"Ofcourse Bachira. Ofcourse." He smiled.

"Well, Rin better treat you right because if not then I'm killing him in his sleep~" I teased him and bumped shoulders.

"Ah Bachira Stop!" We chuckled and joked.

Well atleast I have one more mission, I can be a cupid if I couldn't be a lover, hm?

That sounds like a song! Hmm, maybe I could write a heartbreaken song?

First things firsts, I gotta check if Rin loves Isagi though, I can't let Isagi's heart get broken just like mine did.

But I'm pretty sure Rin does love Isagi after what he said that night. I guess my work as a cupid is going to be easy :)

I don't know why I don't sound sad at all, Isagi is just good at comforting people! A̶n̶d̶ m̶a̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ t̶h̶e̶m̶ s̶a̶d̶ s̶h̶h̶h̶

♪ end of chapter 9 ♪

(Sorry for the spelling errors sobs)

Idk what to say but I wrote this chapter in a hurry, so sorry if this is short, I'll try harder next time

And the next chapter is finnally going to be Rinsagi fluff ahahahaha no angst hahaha funny stuff

Thank you so much for reading whatever this has become,

Have a nice day, until next time then!

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