Chapter Thirteen : Stalker

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"Well so, who is your crush?" Rin says while turning his Minecraft character's head towards my character.

"..Uhmm, I have a crush of the teachers in our school?" I spoke while chuckling nervously, It was a blant lie, ofcourse!

"WHAT, Anri-san? You have a crush on her?" He spoke in disbelief.

"Actually, That's not right!" I probably should have thought this through.

"Najimi-san?" He says, "Wow, I didn't expect you to have a taste in married people," He says sarcastically. Rin, THIS ISN'T FUNNY I'M HAVING A SEIZURE!!

"Nooo! Rin, what did you take me for?" I say while having almost a stroke, I have my phone near incase I need to call the ambulance,

"Ah, how can I forget the him, Ego-san? You like him," He hums, while continuing whatever he was doing in Minecraft, wait, isn't Ego thirty years old?

"No, I don't like him. Isn't he thirty-years old?" I said with a really now? face, I wish Rin was here.

"Then, do you like Noel Noa? He pretty much owns the school." Rin says calmly crafting a sword to defend himself, it's almost night.

"I mean Idolize Noel Noa as a icon!" I say, while furiously trying to back off these pesty spiders, shoo shoo you mortals!!

"Do you need help?" Rin asks while killing the spider that was chasing me, "You know, you're pretty bad for a veteran."

Hm?! What did he say?!

"I'm not, it's just that Bachira used to prank us all the time in Minecraft," I said while cringing, "I remember the one time he smacked me into lava, I'll never let that live down!" I say and sigh.

That's right, Bachira is probably annihilating poor Otoya and Shidou now.. I look over to the chat to confirm something.

tottalynotshidou has been blown up by a creeper.

Otoyaya has been blown up by a creeper.

Happybee123 has been blown up by a creeper.

totallynotshidou: BACHIRA WHAT THE ACTUAL----


totallynotshidou: why would you do this you damn bee!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happybee123: OH I'M SORRY GUYS

Happybee123: I thought the green guy (I think he's name is creeper?) was all alone by himself! So when I came close to him, he was following me around!

Happybee123: so I did what any kind person would do, and offered him a house!

Happybee123: He politely followed me! And then when we reached our house he blew up!!!! That's not my fault guys!

Choki4life: bachira u noob

Happybee123: RUDEEEEEEE (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)

Nothing new, just Bachira being Bachira.

"Fine, I'm sorry for lying to you, but my crush is actually one of our classmates." I said, it's not false, since Rin is my classmate.

"Ah, I see. Well, I guess my turn is over. You can ask me a question now, Yoichi." Rin said. My heart skips a beat when he says that--

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