Chapter Fourteen : Changing room

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No no no!! I'm late because I overslept! I barely have 10 minutes until school starts! I didn't set an alarm because it's usually who my mom wakes me, but she's not here today.

I get up from my bed and brush my teeth, I can just have lunch at school, either way this house has nothing edible. Unless you are Bachira and you like to eat walls.

I get everything ready, now time to check.

Brushed my teeth? Check, Uniform? Check, Did I do my homework? Ah yes, Check! I'm ready to go to school now. Four minutes remaining, okay that's intimidating. I rush to the door and clank it open, and lock it once I step outside.

What's the fastest way to get to school? Yes yes, I'll just Naruto run to the school! What a perfect idea! Nothing can go wrong. I ran as fast as I could. As I was about to run closer, a stranger bumped into me and we both fell to the ground. Yeah, I jinxed myself.

I turned over to take a glance at him. "Pass auf, wohin du gehst!" The stranger said while rubbing his head. I had no clue what language is that, He then looked at me and had a certain expression on his face. "Yoichi, bist du das?!" He said again, but my eyes widened, It's the same guy from before! The cashier!

"My apologizes, But excuse me, I'm late!" I said and got up before he could say anything. I sprinted away from him.

"Wait!" He yelled, this time in Japanese, but I didn't have time for that, the weirdest part is, He was wearing the same uniform as me, which means he's from my school..

That can't be that bad, right? It's not like he's from my class. Blonde hair and blue highlights? Yeah, he's not from Japan. I need to figure out which language he was speaking. He knows my name, though I'm unaware of him.

That was surprising too, I never saw him at my school before. Is he a transfer student? let's just pretend that never happened. Oh shoot, I forgot I'm late!!!

I was panting heavily while I finally reached my school gate, then remember that I have to deal with being late. Did I intentionally rhyme?!

"Please please! Just let me in this once! I promise I'll never be late again!" I begged to the security guard at our school who was incharge of the front gate.
"Fine kid, if you do this again I'll make sure to send you home, now go in before I change my mind!" He directed and opened the gate, "Thank you!" I thanked him and rushed over beyond the school gates.

"Isagiiii," Bachira said while I went over towards my seat. "Why are you late? Were you looking at Rin's photo all night long?~" He teased me, I shushed him immediately though, "BACHIRA! Don't say that aloud! Do you want us to get in trouble!!" I looked around to see if anyone saw us, luckily my classmates were immersed in their own work.

"Awe, do you know you look like a puppy in love?" Bachira says, "But this teenage puppy love ain't gonna bring you nowhere," He spoke teasingly in a cowboy accent with a smirk,

"Awe, do you know you look like a puppy in love?" Bachira says, "But this teenage puppy love ain't gonna bring you nowhere," He spoke teasingly in a cowboy accent with a smirk,

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