Chapter Seven : Mission

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"Spy, Mission, waku waku!"
That quote is said by Anya from
Spy x Family. I feel the same way but a little different. There is no spy, or maybe there is, we just don't know yet. Second, Yes. we have a mission to complete. And third, waku waku means very exciting. Yes, this is also very exciting, if we don't die, that is.

I don't know how we got stuck in this situation, we just wanted to have fun, and not end up in some creepy haunted house with a lady holding a knife with blood dripping on it, chasing us. I knew that dreams come true, but I didn't know that nightmares can also come true.

After hearing that loud thud, which was definitely from that lady, Rin quietly reacted and slowly opened the door to the fridge, not making any sound. I'm glad that she didn't hear us. We slowly, without making any sound, threw the hard candies, making a loud noise to distract the lady, then ran as fast as we could, and ran towards the stairs, leading to the second floor. We couldn't go to the exit, because the lady didn't want us, even a centimetre close to the exit, so we were trapped inside.

Luck was definitely on our side, because the lady didn't hear us, and we all made our way to the second floor. The entry to the second floor fortunately had a lock, so we locked the door as fast as we could. We were panting and we were so exhausted. I'm pretty sure I could fall asleep right here if the lady wasn't chasing us.

"OPEN THE DOOR, OPEN THE DOOR!" The lady screamed, "I NEED REVENGE, I'LL TAKE REVENGE!" She kept yelling as she kept thumping on the door, I'm glad it was made out of some strong wood, and the lock was pretty good too, so she couldn't break the door to come in.

"dude, this girl is crazy" Nagi panted while sitting on the couch, I walked near a chair cushion and sat on it. "Hiori, are you okay? You look like you're about to pass out." I asked Hiori, curiously and concerned, "'m terrified..." Hiori shuddered. I feel so bad because Hiori did bargain to not go into this Mansion, but we didn't listen and went in anyways, I guess we're facing the consequences of not listening to Hiori.

"Our plan did succeed half way, we're just missing the part of getting the hell out of this mansion." Reo scoffed while putting his phone in his pocket. "Can't we just call for help? Doesn't that work?" Bachira suggested.
"there's no network on the second floor, weird." Nagi said and sighed while pouting. "What in the world does that lady want from us, anyways?" Rin questioned. Now that's a great question because, why did the girl yell that she wanted revenge, but we never saw her before in our entire life?

"I wanna go home, this is getting boring.." Bachira argued, because it's been ten minutes since we got into the second floor, and none of us has a decent plan on how to get out, another problem is that the second floor doesn't have network to call anyone, but texts go through easily for us.
"Isn't it weird how we can text eachother, but not someone else?" I said, while wiping the dust of one window with my finger, this mansion probably hasn't been cleaned since ages.

"How about we go ahead?" Reo suggested.
"No way! do you want us to get lost, we don't even know what exists on this second floor!" Bachira yelped, while crossing his arms and making a 'no this is a bad idea' face.
"But we're never going to progress if we don't try, right? Maybe the other half of the second floor will have some network for calls to go through so we can call for help." I politely suggested.
Bachira raised his eyebrows, rethinking if he should consider that offer and replied, "If the majority says we should explore the second floor, then we should, what do y'all say?"

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