Chapter Five : Haunted House

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I then awkwardly get up of Hiori's lap and try to walk out of the ride, I forgot that the ship was still moving so I fell on my butt, it hurt a lot.

"OWEEEEWWWW!" I screeched in pain,
"Isagi, are you okay?!" Bachira questioned, running towards me to check if I was okay,
"Yeah I'm fine, it still hurts alot," I replied, I then stood up and turned to Hiori and said,
"I'm sorry Hiori, I didn't mean to."

I'm actually glad that I fell on the floor, It helped reduce actual awkwardness, and I hope now that nobody remembers that I fell on Hiori.

After some time, we see a huge cafeteria, they had a built in cafeteria when you can order food of your choice, we were super hungry so we decided to stop by.

"Hmm, what would you all like to order?" Reo questioned, "anything is fine, i can't bother to think." Nagi spoke, "everything is a hassle, why can't we all just die and sleep foreve-" Nagi then was interrupted by Rin, "Shut up Idiot, we didn't ask."

We then took our seat number, a waitress approached us, we then gave our orders and waited for the food to arrive. I ordered spicy noodles, Bachira ordered the same, Reo ordered Black tea and Ramen (I think that's a weird combo) and He also ordered Ramen for Nagi. Hiori and Rin ordered Curry, now that I think about it I really want curry aswell, but I didn't want to bother the waitress to change my order, she looked like she was already having a hard time taking all the orders.

The food finnally came,
Bachira didn't even chew the noodles, he just swallowed it, I think the noodles were no match for Bachira, because he just devoured the noodles.

The food finnally came,Bachira didn't even chew the noodles, he just swallowed it, I think the noodles were no match for Bachira, because he just devoured the noodles

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"Mmmmmm!" Bachira screeched happily, while eating, "This tastes so good!"

"True," Reo said, "But I've had better." He continued while sipping his Black tea.

"Which ride are we going on next," I questioned, "Maybe that Ferris wheel?" I added while pointing to a Ferris Wheel from a window.
"Ferris Wheel during the day sounds super boring and cringy," Reo put down his black tea, "Can't we just go on that creepy Mansion over there?" Reo suggested while pointing.

Some of us finished our food, we chatted and rambled how school was pretty shitty and we had a load of assignments to get to, I felt pretty embarassed knowing that me and Bachira were the only ones who didn't finish the assignments, though Reo probably hired someone to do it for him and Nagi.

"I feel sooooo full," Bachira said while proudly patting his thin stomach, even after eating almost three plates, it didn't expand much, which was very impressive. I grinned and said, "Bachira, I feel like if you took part in an eating contest, you'd surely win, I can bet a thousand yen!"
"Do you even have a thousand yen?" Reo emphasized while saying that, Bachira laughed and said, "Yeah, sure do!"
I felt pretty annoyed about Reo thinking I had no money, like come-on, just because your rich doesn't mean others are not!
(I feel guilty thinking that the thousand yen are the money that I had borrowed from Reo few days ago, don't tell anyone though, wink wink)

After eating, we paid and continued to the creepy, definitely Haunted House.

The Mansion felt pretty creepy from the outside, but there is a quote that I heard in English, "Don't Judge a Book by It's Cover."
I know it sounded cringe, but trust me, it was definitely breathtaking. The Mansion looked pretty  big from the outside, it had two floors, and a balcony creeping out. It was made out of wood and had a small hole on the roof. I felt like it was made for groups to regret their choice coming here, but we teenagers, love getting into trouble.

I'm pretty sure that it was a bad idea. We checked in and they said it was a 'haunted house,' how surprising?
"i thought we were in a carnival, do they have these here?.." Nagi questioned and sighed while putting his phone in his pocket after being forced by Reo,
"Yeah, they do have these, I thought it was pretty common. The tickets are very cheap too, shall we enter the place?" I asked the group, but Hiori hesitated and said, "Do ya wanna get 'eaten by ghosts?" Hiori refused to go in.
"Come on, ghosts aren't real, Hiori. Stop being dumb." Rin confronted Hiori, because he really wanted to go into the 'Haunted House'.
"You seem to reallyyyyy like horror, hmm Rin?" Bachira mocked Rin, but Rin seemed interested, "Yeah, I like the genre of Horror, it seems pretty amusing." He said genuinely.

"Don' tell meee if ya die!!!!" Hiori whimpered, but we all went in anyways, Hiori went in too after five minutes of debating and questioning life.

"Woaaaah..." Bachira said astonishingly. "This place looks sick!"
"Until' the demons eat ya!" Hiori said disagreeably, while clinging to his hand in his pockets.

While we were exploring the place, we saw a painting, it was labelled 'The Scream,' it was a weird but a viewer attracting painting, I'm not sure how to exactly describe it. The man in the painting looked like he was screaming, but his head looked a little deformed, I thought I was crazy until Bachira pointed it out.

The first floor was halfway done, the house was pretty big from the outside so nobody questioned it. We just came across some weird and scary paintings, statues, sculptures, figures. It wasn't that scary to make a note of it. Hiori looked like he had no life inside of him. He looked very pale and frightened at almost everything we came across, I actually almost asked him if he needed some water, but then just let him have his own comfort.

"H-h-how much more t-t-time?" Hiori asked while griting his teeth. "Dunno, depends!" Bachira exclaimed. Bachira looked like he was having the time of his life, he seemed interested in almost everything, he questioned and commented on anything and we came across, pinched me and asked me if I liked it, I just said 'yes' to cheer him, I felt non-human looking at those creepy things.

We were almost there, just a few twenty to thirty steps till we reach the second-floor.
"Do ya think we are gettin' out here a-alive?" Hiori trembled, while nibbling on his nails, I had to manually grab his wrists and pull them out, because at the end, he might not have any nails left.
"Ofcourse, why are you so scared anyways, Oreo?" Bachira asked Hiori enthusiastically,
"who in the world is oreo?" Nagi asked, curiously. "do you mean hiori?"
"Guys I-" just as I was about to speak, a lady with long black tangled hair, covering her face with it, wearing a white gown, covering her body, holding a bloody knife with blood dripping from it, yelled, "I AM GOING TO GET REVENGE!"

After that, we ran, ran like horses, ducks, pigs, chickens, whatever you want to call it, we screamed like crazy, Reo climbed on top of Nagi, which was surprising as Nagi carried Reo and ran, probably a once-in-a-lifetime experience, IF WE WEREN'T GOING TO DIE BY THIS LADY!

After that a very strange thing happened, my eyes widened, and what I saw, was CRAZY.

Heya! Thank you so much for making it towards the end of this chapter! I appreciate it so much <3

I'm literally very sorry for not updating for like, more than almost a month, I just happened to have exams when I started this fic, which I couldn't avoid and y'know, the usual stuff :)

And the next chapter is probably going to be in 1-3 days if my internet isn't shit, and hopefully y'all like it, I hope this wasn't a disappointing chapter as I was absent for what, 20-25 days? Probably less but you get my point.

Thank you and have an amazing day, lovelies <3

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