[32] STINGY - MAY 9 2023

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Nobody likes Jungkook.

Well, that is the general opinion. The man was always cold to people around him and he would wiggle his way to get anything for free. No one liked to call him for a group dinner or outing since the man wouldn't pay for himself. In short, he is stingy.


Jimin mets Jungkook through his best friend Taehyung, who is dating Jungkook's cousin Yoongi. Jimin had met him on prospects of being the man's roommate.

Jimin notices how awkward it is to hang around the man, who was too focused on getting free food, free ride or anything for that matter. It intrigued the boy as to why Yoongi included Jungkook along with them, the man didn't seem like an ideal friend

Jimin understands from Yoongi that Jungkook had a difficult childhood, having to be the man of the house at an young age and now the man lived for himself as both his parents passed away.


Jimin ended up being Jungkook's roommate. Jimin found it annoying how Jungkook would show interest in talking to him and in that way they end up eating the food Jimin made and intended to keep for himself for that week.

Jimin though, fell for the man after he got to know Jungkook wasn't as dumb as he appeared to be. Jungkook was extremely intelligent, smart and definitely skilled. Anything around the house was fixed by the man, if they had called outside help, Jimin would have to pay 5 times more the amount. Jungkook has often ended up helping the tiny boy - be it work or apartment related.

Soon, Jimin finds himself on the returning end of Jungkook's affection - the man would at times cook for him, without himself eating or buy the boy stuff. Jungkook was caring for him in his own way and Jimin noticed that.

It made the boy fall for the man


Yoongi and Taehyung are surprised when Jimin tells them that Jungkook had yet again bought him something he wanted.

This time Jungkook had given him a plushie that one gets after playing a game in the machine. Jungkook and Jimin had taken an evening walk when they had come across this gaming machine. Jimin wanted the chimmy plushie and had put in the coins to grab the stuff toy but after several attempts he still failed.

"Tsk... such a waste of money and for what... that stupid stuff toy?" Jungkook mocked him "...that's not how you play it"

Jimin pouts "...but it's so cute..." Jimin looks at the man "...and if you think it's so easy... why don't you play it... I already put the next coin..."

Jungkook scoffs before twisting his head side to side before he attempted to grab the toy but failed

Jimin burst out into giggles

Jungkook gulps, a bit embarrassed "I didn't warm up..."

"Then warm up... I will put .."

Jungkook cuts him off "...like I said its just a waste of money... let's go.." he walks away

Jimin pouts one last time looking at the plushie before following Jungkook home.

The next day, Jimin found the toy on his bed with the note - I told you it was easy

Jimin doesn't need to know how many attempts and coins it took before Jungkook finally grabbed the toy


"Jungkook had never spend money on anyone.... not even himself..." Yoongi says looking at the boy intently after hearing of everything Jungkook bought for Jimin "....it's strange... it's so unlike him... he cares... he cares a lot about you and what you like..."

Jimin smiles. Yes, it felt good to hear that he was special to the one he loved. And with that confidence, the boy proposes to Jungkook but only to be heart broken

"I'm sorry but I don't want to date you..." Jungkook says bluntly "...I'm at a point in my life where I want to save every little money I make... I want my future to be secure.... but if I were to date you then I would have to spend money on the dates and buying you things.... I dont want to do that... I dont want to resent you..." Jungkook walks away

Jimin couldn't help but sob. He really thought Jungkook loved him and would be happy to date him


Jungkook closes the door behind him, and a tear escapes his eyes

He didn't say no because he didn't like Jimin. He said no because he loved Jimin so much, because he felt he didn't deserve an innocent soul like Jimin. He didn't want Jimin to suffer with him. Jungkook felt his personality wasn't the best for the boy


They continue being roommates, though it hurt them both to face each other. It hurt Jungkook even more when he saw how hard Jimin was trying not to break down in front of him.

Jimin still cared for him, cared even more now.

"You didn't eat again today huh?" Jimin asks the man as they stood in the kitchen. Jungkook had a habit of eating very less or cheap food to save money Jimin grabbed a plate of food and handed it to the man "...what is the point of making money and not caring for your health?..no health means no wealth...." Jimin looks at the man who stares back at him, Jimin smiles but a sadness lurks in his eyes "...I am not doing this to make you love me... ...but love yourself first..."

A week in and Jungkook decides that money wasn't worth it. Jimin's sadness wasn't worth it. Maybe his love for the boy is deserving enough.


And then he sees Jimin with A/N outside their apartment. The boy was smiling at the other man. Jungkook knew from the look that A/N liked Jimin

If your happiness is with him, I will let you go

Jungkook turns to walk away when he hears

"I'm sorry but I love someone else even if he doesn't love me back... I don't think I can give up that place for anyone else... at least not now... I want to be with him, even if as friends... I want to see him achieve what he wanted to....and..." Jimin chuckles sadly "...and I want to see who the lucky person will be"

A/N leaves and Jimin walks into the apartment and closes the door behind him. Just as the boy returns his shoes and slips into his home slippers, he feels two arms tightly hugging him from behind

Jimin flinches and nearly panics till he hears Jungkook speak

"I'm sorry..." Jungkook's sadness was evident in his voice "...I didn't mean to hurt you... trust me..." Jimin is quiet as Jungkook pulls away from the hug and turns him around "I love you... I really love you so much Jimin...you deserve someone so much better than me.... thats what I thought... thats why I rejected you..." a tear escapes Jungkook's eye, which Jimin wipes it away. Jungkook reaches out to hold that hand and place it on his chest ".... but seeing you sad, I realised that maybe your happiness is with me... that I could be the reason why you smile each day...if you would let me..." Jimin smiles softly at that "...if you can forgive me and if you still love me the same and want to be with me... will you let me be yours forever?"

"Yes" Jimin lets out a wet chuckle "...yes..."

Jungkook has tears rolling down his cheek as he reaches out to cup the boy's face "I love you so much"

Jimin places his hands over Jungkook's hands resting on his cheeks "I love you more..." Jimin closes his eyes feeling Jungkook's warm breath ticking his forehead

The end 

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