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Jungkook and Jimin are in an arranged marriage. Jungkook generally kept to himself and if it wasn't for Jimin asking the man about his day and if anything happened at work, the boy wouldn't know anything that happened in his husband's life. Jungkook on the other hand didn't need to ask his husband anything, Jimin was the conversation starter and he definitely didn't hide anything from Jungkook. The man was thankful for that since he didn't know how to ask Jimin anything. He was glad that Jimin would tell him his likes and dislikes and it felt good that he could occasionally buy those things for the boy even if he would disguise it as something he got from work or for free.

Jungkook never showed Jimin his real intention whether it was knowingly or not.


Jimin and Jungkook watch movies together at least twice a month.

That evening,

"Oh my gosh! This is one of my all time favs! You remembered?!" Jimin says excited when he returns to the couch and joins Jungkook. It was Jungkook's turn to select the movie.

"Really?" Jungkook acts aloof "...this was the first movie I saw on the featured list" Jungkook says looking back at the screen, hiding his slight smile

Jimin's smile fell but Jungkook didn't notice that

Jungkook never gave Jimin the satisfaction of being loved by him - not intentionally, Jungkook just believed loving in secret was more genuine instead of parading whatever he did in the open. Jungkook didn't realize that everytime he hide from Jimin about his true intentions, Jimin was more hurt than when Jungkook did nothing.

These kept happening often and Jimin's heart kept breaking without Jungkook realizing it, that was till Jimin finally snapped


It was Jungkook's first birthday after their marriage. Jimin and Jungkook's immediate family were invited to their house for a small celebration.

Jungkook didn't like parties nor understood the meaning behind it and he completely forgot about the celebration and got caught up in last minute work commitments and to make it worse his mobile phone died.

Needless to say, the man arrived home after the family had eaten the food. Jimin was silent when the man arrived home. He apologized to Jimin as well as everyone present there for coming late.

"I'm sorry ... I really am... you know how it is at work.. I..." Jungkook tries to apologize again after everyone left and it was just the two of them. Jimin didn't say anything as he continued removing the decorations and tidying up the place. Jungkook sighed as he helped the boy "...I really am sorry...."

"I understand"


Jungkook wakes up the next day and goes downstairs and smiles seeing Jimin prepare him breakfast

"Good morning..." Jungkook greets the boy

"Monring..." Jungkook's smile drops when he sees Jimin has no expression "...I made pancakes today. I hope thats okay..."

They eat in silence. Jungkook was so not used to this. Jimin would be filling this ear deafening silence with his giggles and stories. Jungkook missed that

Jungkook follows Jimin into the kitchen with his dish that the boy takes from him

"I will wash..." Jungkook says but Jimin cuts him off

"Its okay I got this... you can go and do your work.. I'm sure it's important to you..." Jimin says, his back facing Jungkook

Jungkook gulps

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