[82] CONTRACT - SEP 16 2023

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Jimin and Jungkook have a contract marriage, purely based on business. It was a decision taken by both their families and they didn't seem to mind the arrangement

Jungkook and Jimin agree to live as friends. Being in similar professions, they discuss ideas and viewpoints, slowly learning about each other not only on a professional level but personal too and they both liked what they saw in each other. They soon develop feelings for each other but no one confesses.


Jungkook's company suffers a huge loss and Jungkook tries his best to come out of the mess. Jungkook was stressed and worked overtime neglecting his health but Jimin was there to take care of that. Jimin was there to pick up after Jungkook's mess, his health, things that Jungkook often neglected due to lack of time. Jimin was there to give him that emotional support which was much needed to give him a sense of peace.

"I don't know what I would have done without you Jimin... thank you..." Jungkook sighs hugging the tiny boy. Jimin's warm hugs always calmed him down

"I'm here Jungkook...always..." Jimin pats the man's back

"Always?" Jungkook pulls back from the hug

Jimin smiles as he nods "...always"

Jungkook stares at the boy who looks at him lovingly

"I love you..." Jungkook finally declares making Jimin shocked for a moment "..I seriously do love you... and I hope you love me too..."

Jungkook's voice filled with concern makes Jimin smile "I love you too"

They both couldn't stop smiling widely at that before they stare at each other a moment too long making Jimin bite his lips in shyness

"Can I..." Jungkook lifts Jimin's chin with his index finger "...can I kiss you?"

Jimin hums as he closes his eyes and Jungkook couldn't help the slight smirk that appeared on his lips before he pulled Jimin into a passionate hungry kiss - pouring out his love that he had been holding inside for so long and also his frustrations at work. He needed this. They both needed this. They end up making love for the first time that night.

Ever since that night that confirmed their relationship, it was perfect between them. Jungkook still had the same stress from work but now he didn't feel burdened to share his problems or vent out his frustrations through the act of love. Jimin was his and he was Jimin's.

They were happy in their relationship till Jimin gets pregnant


Jimin was surprised to find out he was pregnant. They had been really careful not to conceive yet. Jungkook had told him after their first time that he didn't want to be a father yet and Jimin agreed, they were not settled yet. But when Jimin sees the ultrasound, he knows he wants the baby. His baby. Their baby was made from their love.


Jimin tells Jungkook about his pregnancy that evening and the response was not what he expected

"Baby.. this isn't funny... I am really tired..."

"I'm not joking Koo... I'm really pregnant..."

Jungkook's expression was neutral as he stared at the boy as if he was contemplating a lot in his mind

"Koo..." Jimin's voice brings Jungkook back to reality

"Abort it!"


"Jimin..." Jungkook runs a hand through his hair in frustration "..I told you I wasn't ready... you told me you weren't as well... what changed?"

"The baby changed me... I wasn't ready to be pregnant but now that I am... I can't imagine not having my baby... our first baby..." Jimin has tears in his eyes

"I..." Jungkook hated seeing tears in the boy's eyes "...I'm not ready Minnie... I have not reached anywhere in life... I have nothing to show my kids...please understand... this is not the right time for us..."

"When will it be the right time? Koo... everytime there will be trials and difficulties... but each time if we delay a family life... I can't guarantee we will ever have a family.... I'm sorry Koo... I can't abort our baby... I know we can get through anything together..."

Jungkook is quiet for a moment

"So you are keeping the baby?"

Jimin nods

"I... I just need some space .." Jungkook says walking into the guest room "...please eat something if you haven't..."

"I think I will stay at Hobi hyung's place..." Jimin says making Jungkook stop walking "..they were going to come here tonight but I will ask them to pick me up instead...." Jungkook turns around "...I hope that's enough space for you..."


Jungkook couldn't sleep that night. They didn't really fight but that unsettling feeling was just too much. He tossed and turned in bed as he thought about what he wanted in life and what he needed in his lifetime. Jungkook sighed as he looked at the wallpaper on his screen, it was Jimin snuggling on his chest in his sleep

Jungkook actually wanted to be successful in his career and remarry Jimin without a contract and then start a family like how people normally would do. But right now he needed his pregnant Minnie in his arms. How could he be so stupid as to hurt his tiny baby - his two tiny babies now.

Jungkook gets up and gets dressed. He doesn't care about the time,whether its midnight or not. He drives to Hobi's apartment and begs for Jimin's forgiveness. Thankfully it was not like any of the friends slept yet. They were late night owls.

"Baby, please let's just go home... I miss you..."

"But you are the one who wanted space, remember... you wanted to focus on your career first..." Jimin pouts

"What's the point of money if my love isn't by my side... please come back... let's face life together..."

"Do you want this child?" Jimin asks, stone faced

"Of course I do... it's my child with my love... I want my baby..." Jungkook says caressing Jimin's shoulder "...is it the perfect timing? No... I wouldn't have wanted it this way.... but I wouldn't have it any other way either"

Jimin sobs

"I love you Minnie... I mean it... I love our child too... please don't get me wrong... please forgive me if you can..."

Jimin snuggles into Jungkook's chest "I love you too and I forgive you .."

"Thank you my love..." Jungkook says softly pecking Jimin's lips "...dadda is really sorry for saying the "A" word... dadda is stupid and he knows it..." Jungkook says caressing Jimin's invisible baby bump

Jimin couldn't help but chuckle at that.

"I love you Minnie"

"I love you too Koo"

The end

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