*Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore's List*

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*Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore's List*

1. Buy that new beard shampoo to make my beard fluffy.

2. Make sure nobody knows that I'm wearing a fake beard.

3. Make Filch do all the cleaning in the castle even though I can use magic to clean it.

4. Never tell anyone my real age. (394)

5. Start finding a new DADA professor for the next term now. I am 100% sure that this one will end up like the others.

6. Leave baby Harry at the terrible muggle's house eventhough there are many magical families that are willing to take care of him.

7. Dye my hair and beard pink to match my barbie doll's dresses.

8. Ask Snape out on a date. His greasy hair will match perfectly with my fluffy hair and beard.

9. Give Harry Potter all the house points because he broke all the school rules.

10. Bring a three headed dog, dragon and other dangerous animals to school but ban students from bringing a bunny to school.

Dumbledore's list was asked quite some time ago. I'm really sorry for posting it late. I couldn't think of what to write for him. If anyone can think of something else to add please post it in the comments below.

Comment and vote.If you want anyone's resolution's list or if you want me to include your name in anyone's list you can comment it below and I'll include it.

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