Eskimo Kiss - Jeff's way of saying I Love You to Bible

382 22 15

TW // Light angst

It was 9 in the morning when Bible came out of their gate to go to their University. Then came a cheerful voice,

"Good morning, Bibs!" Jeff greeted his boyfriend.

" Good morning, baby" Bible greeted back, a bit startled.

"Nosey rub-rub," said Jeff as he angled his face towards Bible, to which the latter gladly rubbed their noses together, and gave Jeff a light kiss.

It had been a thing between them since the night they both confessed their feeling, initiated by Jeff, to do an Eskimo kiss as a greeting and when they need to part from each other.

"Did you have a good sleep?" Bible asked Jeff

"Hmm, I worked on some of my papers due this week but I think I got enough sleep" Jeff replied-sleepily.

Bible chuckled at the irony.

"Don't worry, baby, a few more years and we would reach our dreams."

"Of course, we will do this together"

"Yes, together, Jeffy, I love you"

"I love you more, Bibs"

And the two walked hand in hand towards their University where they will build the foundation of their dreams as they strengthen their love for each other.

Years passed, dreams came true,

Hard work paid off, goals were reached,

But also-

Time was lost

Moments were forgotten

Promises were broken.

"Nosey rub-rub?" Jeff smiled and greeted Bible, like old times.

Bible lightly rubbed their noses together.

"You look tired, Bibs" Jeff noticed, worry is evident in his eyes.

"I just got off a long meeting and I need to get ready for my flight tomorrow."

"I told you, we could've met another time but you are as stubborn."

Bible chuckled at how Jeff was scolding him.

"I can't leave without seeing you, Jeff"

Jeff looked at the man in front of him, both of them aged gracefully, handsome and successful. Bible's eyes, though, used to glimmer with so much light and happiness. Used to.

"I will miss you, Bibs, you had been my constant for so many years." Jeff said as he held Bible's hand.

Bible smiled, "You are always the sweet one, always know to say comforting words. Don't worry, I will always update you until you get annoyed and block me."

"Silly, I will never do that."

"Ah!" Bible reached inside his bag "Here, I was not able to give you that day because you were too busy"

Jeff opened the box, a beautiful silver necklace.

"You know you didn't have to. I was already thankful for your presence" Jeff said as he held the box.

"Why wouldn't I go, it was one of your best days, one of the most important in your life. I wouldn't miss it for anything." -- Bible

"Okay, fine. Thank you for this. Sorry I didn't bring you any gift, but I will make sure to welcome you back with one" --Jeff

Bible held Jeff's hand and brought it to his lips for a quick kiss, "Be happy, Jeff, that is all I wish for you."

"I promise, I will be. I mean, I am happy now and pretty sure will stay the same for a long time" Jeff said smiling, "Find your happiness too, Bibs, promise me."

"I promise. I will try my best as I have always done." --Bible

"Take care, Bibs, don't forget about me, okay?"

"I will never, Jeffy. Congratulations again on your marriage."

With that, the two said their goodbyes and parted. The Eskimo kiss was forgotten, but their memories together remained.

As Bible walked away, his tears finally fell. He cried for the times that were wasted, for the love they lost.

You were and still is my happiness, Jeff, the one I wanted to share all my dreams with. I'm sorry I wasn't brave enough to fight for both of us the way you did. I tried to reach for success not knowing I was breaking your heart in the process, the only person who was always been there for me. I was blinded by all these that I forgot the main reason, you.

I wish the man you married can fill those voids I created in your heart, that he can make you smile like sunshine again. I wish that he can love you with every beat of his heart like how I promised but failed to do.

I wish this never happened, that I never had to leave with so much pain and regret.

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