My anxiety

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Do you know the feeling of wanting to throw up but you know you're not sick? It's your anxiety and you're having an anxiety attack. The craziest part of this all is, I'm only sitting down. I'm losing my mind as I'm listening to the teacher talk about today's lesson. Wanting to run out of the class and run until your life hits you again.

My mind is running from my problems by throwing myself into my art, into sleep, and into pills once again. Sleeping until it's four o'clock in the afternoon. All you want to do is sleep for days and hide from the world. You love sleeping because you're not awake but you're not dead either.

Taking pills because you're hurt and that's what takes the pain away, not wanting to overdo it but that's all you want at the same time. Hating the feeling of being stuck and how life just hits you all at once. Just wanting this to end but too much of a pussy to do something about it. Never asking for help to show that you are okay and that nothing is wrong. We act strong to hind the fact that everything is turned against us, even ourselves.

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