Sweet Mother Part 2

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The sound of music filled the grand hall as the talented musicians played their instruments, their melodies weaving together in perfect harmony. The air was filled with the delicious aroma of food, and the room was alive with laughter and celebration.

Peleus and Achilles were in high spirits, chatting and laughing with Queen Thetis, their faces alight with joy. As I sat there watching, I couldn't help but feel like an outsider, despite their efforts to make me feel included. Even though I wasn't related to them by blood, they had always treated me like family. But in that moment, as they continued to revel in each other's company, I couldn't shake the feeling of being out of place.

My gaze drifted towards Achilles, who had now switched seats and was sitting next to his mother. It had been ages since he had seen her, and I couldn't blame him for wanting to catch up with her. But as he chatted away with the Queen, I couldn't help but feel neglected and forgotten.

Thetis, gazed at her son with a glint of amusement in her eyes. Her lips curled into a playful smile as she asked, "So Achilles, have you found a bride yet?"

Achilles' face flushed with embarrassment at the mention of marriage. "Mother!" he exclaimed.

Thetis leaned back into her chair, her smile growing wider. "Oh, don't 'mother' me," she chided affectionately. "You know that you must find a suitable partner soon. Your father and I met when we were your age, so it's only fitting that you do the same." Her hand reached up to cup his cheek, her touch seemed warm and comforting.

As we approached manhood, Queen Thetis' words resonated with us - it was time to seek out wives. Despite our impending adulthood, the idea of being in a relationship still filled us with a sense of unease and embarrassment.

In a moment of vulnerability, Achilles finally admitted, "Fine...there might be one." I was caught off guard by his confession.

Questions flooded my mind. Who was this mysterious girl he spoke of? Why had he not mentioned her before? As his best friend and confidant, I couldn't help but feel a pang of annoyance that he had kept this secret from me.

King Peleus' excitement was palpable as he exclaimed, "It's that Deidamia girl, isn't it!? She's a good girl, I'm certain you'll have some strong and beautiful babies together!"

Achilles let out a groan of embarrassment as his parents chuckled at his discomfort. His face flushed with a mixture of annoyance and bashfulness.

"And what about you, Patroklos? Have you found a girl?" Queen Thetis turned her attention to me and I could feel all eyes in the room on me. But it was Achilles' gaze that felt the most intense, as if he was anticipating for my answer.

"No." I replied with a weak smile, my heart sinking at the thought of disappointing everyone. The truth was, I couldn't possibly find someone when my entire existence revolved around Achilles. How could I possibly have a love life when everything I did was for him? Unless...

But before I could finish my thought, the Queen spoke up again. "Good," she said, her voice firm. "As Achilles' companion, I expect nothing less than your undivided attention."

As Queen Thetis' words sank in, I realized that her question had been a test of my loyalty after all. It seemed that she wanted to see if I took my role as Achilles' companion seriously. And of course, I did. My entire existence was devoted to him and I would do anything to support him.

But as I pondered her motives, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of frustration. Did she not trust me? Did she not trust her own son to choose a companion who would be loyal and dedicated to him?

Despite my inner turmoil, I kept my thoughts to myself and simply nodded in agreement. I knew that my loyalty to Achilles was unwavering, and I hoped that one day Queen Thetis would come to see that as well.

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