Temple Of Apollo

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I had visited the temple a couple of times before, but never had I experienced it at night. Stepping inside, I immediately sensed a palpable shift in the atmosphere, as if I had entered a completely different realm.

In the morning, when the first rays of sunlight filtered through the circular glass ceiling, adorned with an exquisite etching of Apollo poised with his bow, the temple took on an ethereal quality. The warm glow illuminated the space, casting a gentle radiance on the intricately carved walls.

However, the temple transformed entirely at night. Moonlight delicately seeped through the glass ceiling, casting a soft, serene glow over the surroundings. The rhythmic patter of raindrops outside added to the tranquility, creating an enchanting ambiance that seemed to transport me to another world.

At the far end of the room, a magnificent marble statue of Apollo stood proudly, clutching a golden sun in his outstretched hand above his head. Its gleaming surface seemed to shimmer in the moonlight, emanating an aura of divine power and grace.

Drawn to the mystical allure of the moonlit scene, I found myself leaning against the cool, stone wall, gazing at the limited amount of moonlight that managed to penetrate the room. The gentle tapping of rain against the glass ceiling lulled me into a state of peaceful contemplation, and before I knew it, my eyelids grew heavy and I succumbed to sleep.

Suddenly, a sound shattered the tranquility, jolting me awake. It was a distinct tapping, but much louder and heavier than the gentle raindrops. Blinking my eyes open, I found myself momentarily blinded by the brilliance of the sunlight streaming through the glass ceiling.

To my utter astonishment, a majestic white crow perched gracefully on the edge of the windowpane. Its feathers were pristine and glistening, like freshly fallen snow. Each movement it made was deliberate and precise, as it repeatedly pecked at the glass with its sharp beak.

I stood there, captivated by the sight before me. Never had I seen or even heard of a crow that wasn't black. This ethereal creature seemed to defy the laws of nature, emanating an aura of enchantment. Its presence felt otherworldly, as if it belonged to a realm beyond our own.

However, before I could even question it, the creature gracefully spread its wings and took flight. Its elegant soaring through the sky left me breathless.

Rubbing my neck, which had grown stiff from leaning against the wall, I rose to my feet. The soreness reminded me of the passage of time, grounding me in reality as I tried to ease the discomfort.

As I prepared to depart from the temple, my eyes caught sight of something peculiar on the floor. An apple lay there, abandoned and out of place. It struck me as odd, for no soldier would waste food.

Curiosity compelled me to pick up the apple and examine it closely. Its vibrant red skin was unblemished, its flesh firm and untainted. Perplexed, I scanned the surroundings, searching for any other signs of scattered items. Yet, there was nothing else to be found. Though intrigued by this enigma, I ultimately decided to leave the temple and dismiss it from my mind.

As I ventured beyond the temple's entrance, the sight of soldiers training in a makeshift ring caught my attention. Their bodies glistened with sweat, their faces etched with determination, as they endured the scorching heat of Troy's unrelenting sun.

Above us, airships passed by, some descending to deliver much-needed supplies from Greece. The back doors of these vessels opened, revealing soldiers who emerged carrying crates to a nearby station. The weekly restocking of provisions was a testament to the insatiable appetites of these men, who consumed rations with immoderate fervor.

Once the soldiers ceased to emerge from the airship, a figure appeared, causing my mouth to drop open and my eyebrows to furrow in confusion. It was none other than Queen Thetis herself. Her piercing gaze locked onto mine, and she approached with an air of urgency.

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