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Since that unforgettable night, a profound transformation had taken place. Me and Achilles, against all odds, had forged an unbreakable bond that seemed to defy the laws of nature. Our connection, once strong, had grown even stronger, intertwining our lives in a way that seemed impossible.

Despite this remarkable change, everything else remained unchanged. We continued our rigorous training under the watchful eye of Lord Chiron, honing our skills to perfection. We had reached a point where there seemed to be nothing left to learn, or so I believed.

On this momentous day, Lord Chiron made an announcement that sent ripples of anticipation through our beings. Tomorrow, we would be departing for our respective homes, marking the end of our time here. Today, he declared, would be our final lesson, one that would teach us the essence of peace.

As we stood before him, Lord Chiron's gaze held a mixture of wisdom and sadness. He spoke of the importance of cherishing this day, of spending these precious moments together and creating lasting memories of tranquility and solace. It was a bittersweet reminder that our fate beyond this sanctuary remained uncertain.

Achilles, ever driven by his insatiable thirst for glory and immortality, clung steadfastly to his aspirations. It was his purpose, his very essence. And yet, a part of me couldn't help but yearn for a different path for him. Now that our relationship had blossomed into something beautiful and profound, I couldn't help but hope that he might consider relinquishing the relentless pursuit of legend for a life of peace.

We lay on the lush grass, surrounded by the enchanting embrace of the deep forest. Above us, a myriad of ambrosia fruits dangled from the branches, their vibrant hues contrasting against the verdant canopy. With our hunger gnawing at us, we had plucked a couple of the fruits to satisfy our hunger. The fruit resembled pomegranates, but they were as soft as peaches and had sweet pear-like juices.

I can still recall the first time I looked at the vast forest and noticed the abundance of ambrosia. It stood out prominently, as if it didn't belong. However, every time we explored, we could only find a few of them.

As I savored the succulent taste of the ambrosia, Achilles tenderly ran his fingers through my unruly hair. We had not had a haircut in months, and despite our pleas for Lord Chiron to cut it, he repeatedly reminded us that he was not a barber. Our ultimate resolution was simply to cut them using knives, resulting in our hair becoming disheveled and uneven.

"Anything you wish to do?" Achilles inquired, his voice filled with genuine curiosity.

I pondered his question for a moment, relishing the tranquility of our surroundings. "No," I replied softly, "simply lying here with you is more than enough."

Achilles, however, brimmed with an infectious enthusiasm. In one swift motion, he sprang to his feet, disrupting the serene ambiance that enveloped us. "We've been here for a year, and we've barely scratched the surface of this forest. Today, being our last day, I propose we embark on an exploration!" His eyes sparkled with anticipation, his excitement palpable. Even after all this time, I marveled at how effortlessly he transitioned from calm to exuberant.

I couldn't help but jest, "So your plan for today is to get lost and get eaten by wolves." 

Achilles laughed, his voice brimming with mirth. "Come on! It'll be an adventure, and besides, there won't be any wolves. When was the last time you saw any dangerous creatures here? Never! Since we arrived, we've encountered only herbivores. Isn't that a bit suspicious?"

Achilles was right. As he voiced his thoughts, the peculiarity of our encounters with only herbivorous creatures became increasingly apparent. The absence of any dangerous predators in this vast and untamed forest was indeed strange.

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