Chapter 33: A Night To Remember

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Chapter 33

Everyone was mixed in an excited bustle, the evening had gone by in a flash. Kaiya felt like her legs would give, she had been up since dawn for wedding preparations. The ceremony went smoothly and she thought she would have a moment to sit down to absorb the entire experience but her mother had pulled her back onto her feet to tell her that she had to start getting ready for the post-wedding dinner.

She had to admit though, she was looking forward to the dinner. As agreed, they kept their wedding very small and intimate but that didn't stop their families from hosting a celebration dinner. Sakusa knew it was an excuse for their parents to host the elaborate event they had originally wanted the wedding to be...

But, because he had purposely given them a very short period of time to work with, he knew their parents would have no choice but to keep the ceremony short and sweet. What he didn't vouch for was the celebration dinner they had sneakily thrown in.

And now here he was, standing in front of the mirror, a frown on his face as he fixed his shirt's collar. He was pretty relieved to go back to his hotel room and shower again but he wasn't pleased about having to mingle once more.

"What kind of person would take a man's wife away from him right after the wedding..." He muttered, remembering when they had returned back inside the pavilion and had taken their family photographs, Kaiya was immediately whisked away by her mother to get ready for tonight.

Glancing at his reflection, he caught sight of the black leather duffle that lay on his bed, turning to look at it. His wife's face flashed into his mind and he clicked his tongue, cursing the night ahead of him.

All he wanted really, was to be with her alone.

His phone began buzzing, alerting him. Sakusa reached for it, seeing Kaiya's name flash on the screen, immediately answering it

"Hey" He muttered before hearing her cheery voice respond

"Hi Omi-kun, how's everything going? I just finished getting ready but there's still a lot of time before the dinner starts. I was getting bored in the hotel room so thought I'd call my husband and check up on him." He heard her little giggle after she called him her husband, making his heart flutter. He had to clear his throat and recollect himself, answering

"I'm ready too..."

Kaiya let out a small hum, "You sound annoyed... What's wrong?"

Sakusa sighed, "Our ceremony was a few hours ago."

"And?" She asked

"And the last time I saw you was a few hours ago..."

Kaiya smiled, fiddling with her hair, "Awe, you can't handle a long term distance relationship?" She teased making him scoff,

"Your four floors below me..."

She laughed, "I would've gotten ready with you but I'm sure you wouldn't have appreciated the make-up artist spreading all of her things around your room"

Sakusa grunted, its true, he wouldn't have liked getting ready with a random stranger in his room... but he also didn't like the fact that he barely spent any time with her after the ceremony.

"Come to my room."

Sakusa froze when he heard knocking on his door. Raising a brow, he walked towards his door, opening it and she stood there, her phone still against her ear

"I'm outside..." She said into the receiver while looking into his eyes. Sakusa glanced around before pulling her into the room. Kaiya giggled when he pressed her against the wall, not waiting a single second to caress her neck with hungry kisses, while his hands felt up her sides. He leaned forward to crash his lips against hers but she stopped him

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