Chapter 1: Shit Just Got Real

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AN: Some assume that arranged marriages = forced marriages. I'm using my own personal experience of how arranged marriages are done in my community because I cannot speak for other communities/families and their marriage methods.

Long story turned very short: Arranged marriages in my community are just single adults being introduced to each other by their families that think they could be compatible. We (the couple) can see each other for as long as we want to date and the choice of getting married is totally between the couples

Chapter 1

Constant throbs distracted Sakusa, he groaned, his clutching head... Sitting up, he wasn't sure if it was his knee or head that was killing him... Groggily opening his stinging eyes, adjusting to the bright sunlight streaming in his lounge... He groaned,

"Shit... What the hell happened last night?" He grunted, trying to stand up but he let out another gruff grunt, sitting back on the couch, clutching his head

"I drank too much..." He muttered, pushing his curls back...

His eyes darted to the plastic bottle of painkillers and a bottle of water on his coffee table. He quickly reached for them, chugging the tablets with water immediately, drinking desperately to quench his parched throat. He took a deep breath, letting out a long sigh before his brows furrowed, noticing a piece of paper on his table. Grabbing it, Sakusa squinted his stinging eyes, reading the chaotic scribbles

Shit Just Got Real

He was confused, looking at weird drawing of a... tit(?) on top of the scribbles...

"What the fuck...?"

It was right on time when his phone buzzed and he frowned, his head hurting from the pings emitting from his cellphone. Grabbing it, he read Atsumu's name, irritation filling him


He could practically hear his friend grinning like a Cheshire cat on the other line...

"Damn... Seems like ya got a pretty bad hangover there, Omi-Omi..."

Sakusa rolled his eyes, leaning back on the couch... Suddenly grimacing at the sour taste in his mouth... He felt highly uncomfortable realising that he had passed out without doing cleaning his teeth... He held the phone against his ear, slowly standing up

"And yet you still called me at 9am..."

He walked into his bathroom room, setting his phone on speaker while he grabbed his toothbrush, squeezing the mint paste onto it, listening to his friend while he brushed his teeth

"I just needed to get an update from ya about last night"

Sakusa hummed, spitting the foam out

"What about it? You better have not made any stupid stories on your Instagram last night..."

He went back to brushing on his teeth, contemplating whether to end the call

"You don't remember do you? Holy shit, this is hilarious! Bokkun's gonna die when I tell him!" Atsumu's obnoxious laughter burst from the other end, making his friend agitated, rinsing his mouth

"What the fuck are you going on about?" He snatched his phone up, bringing it to his ear, walking in the living room where he began to clean up the empty beer cans left around.

"Omi, do you seriously not remember what you did last night?"

Sakusa thought back hard but everything was a fuzzy blur... He remembered everyone cracking a beer in honour of the birth of Bokuto's son and how he was so proud that his baby was 11lbs... which shocked everyone else. Bokuto kept showing his friends the baby's pictures but it didn't really phase Sakusa, he kept drinking just to avoid talking about babies and fatherhood...

Wolves in Sheep's Clothing 18+ (Timeskip!Sakusa Kiyoomi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now