-3- "Understanding life"

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I was just sitting there looking at him, and then I finally spoke.

- Red? - i said. He hasn't moved his head. His face was hidden in his knees, so I couldn't see it, except for his eye which was now looking at me. - What happened? I don't want to.. tell your secrets to everyone-? I don't know what you think I'm going to do if you tell me, but I just want to maybe comfort you. - He immediately moved his head towards me and his hands weren't around his legs no more, but on grass.

- What. I don't need any "comforting", Peasant, and especially I don't need your help. Or any help at all. I'm not week. - He said with a slightly angry voice. I reacted with a small smile. It was kind of adorable that he never admits he needs something from "lower life forms", even if it's obvious. - Wha-.. W-WHAT ARE YOU SMILING ABOUT!?

- Sorry- it's just that it's obvious that something happened and you still can't admit it, because you feel that it would be weak of you, but it wouldn't, you know? - His eyes wided a little, definitely interested in my speech. - I don't know what your parents told you, but it's not weak to admit you have a problem, or asking someome for help. - I smiled.

- Tsk- You- - He calmed down, and moved his head, not looking at me anymore. - you're wrong. You don't know anything about life, Noodle boy. You're not long enough on this planet to know.

- Maybe. - He looked at me again. - Maybe I don't live here long enough to know, but I definitely understand. Sometimes people don't need to live so long to understand the life. - I smiled squinting my eyes. I could still see everything, but it looks like Red didn't knew that, because his eyes softened. He definitely noticed that and quickly looked away.

- W-why are you so nice to me!? I hate you. And your friends too.

- No you don't, Red son. You don't. - I said.

Silence. But not complete silence.. I can hear birds singing from far away, wind moving leafs and some sounds from the city which wasn't so far away, but far enough to only see it's figure in the distance.

- So? - i finally spoke again. He looked at me, confused. - Was my speech good enough, that I can hear what happened finally? - He signed.

- My mother. - He said after few seconds of silence. - She kicked me from the house because I disrespected her. I understand her of course.

- SHE WHAT. - I shouted, a little angry at his mothers actions. Red didn't said anything. - How could she kick out her own son!?

- I told you already. She did the right thing, something parents do when they're angry, and when their child do something bad. You just don't understand, because you never had parents. - My eyes widened a little. - I-.. sorry, Noodle boy.. I didn't mean to say it like that.

- No no, it's okay. And you know? Maybe I don't have a real parents, but my 4 dads are enough for me. - i laughed a little.

- Oh o- wait- 4..? What do you mean 4!? - He said confused and I laughed even more.

- Well-.. Pigsy and Tang, Monkey King of course.. And Mac, obviously.

- Six Eared Macaque-?

- Duh, he's like- my other dad, because of Monkey King

- What..? Sun Wukong and Macaque?

- Yeah! you didn't notice? They're definitely something more, I can see it from a kilometer. Even without my gold vision. - I said smiling, he giggled quietly.

- Yeah you're right. - He said, and then he realized he just giggled. - U-UH- I-.. I coughed. - I laughed.

- Yeeaah, suuure.

- SH-SHUT IT, NOODLE BRAIN. - I just started laughing. - D- DON'T LAUGH YOU PEASENT. - I still laughed. I could see, even with my eyes closed because of laughing, I had them opened just a little, but red didn't notice this again. Then I saw that Red son looked at me and smiled.. Then he stood up not smiling anymore.

- W-Well- I'll maybe head out. - I stopped laughing, but a smile was still on my face.

- Oh okay. See you! - I said.

- Mhm. - He was ready to teleport when I stopped him remembering something.

- W-wait-.

714 words

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