-7- "Training"

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Well- hi!

I'm so sorry I died, but I had a motivation block.
I want to do something unexpected and big but I don't know what.. so here's a quick filler and after that I'll try to think what would happen to our lovely Spicynoodles:>


| POV: Red son |

I was bored, and the silence in the room was kinda awkward.
I also myself, felt awkward..
It was because of the hug from earlier. I would never think I could be a type of person to like hugs..

- Um- Red? I have a question. - Noodle boy asked, after the long silence.

- Hm? - I just answered, looking at him from the bed.

- Becauseee... I have my training with Monkey King in a few minutes, and I was wondering if you would want to come with me and watch me train! - he asked, smiling. Watch him train with Sun Wukong? What's the point?

- I mean- sure. But why exactly?

- Just for fun, Red! When I go to the training, and then to my job, you need to be alone in here for hours.. I want to spent more time with you!

- You know, I'm used to be alone, I'm all by myself all the time at home actually- So you don't need to do all of that, and drag me with you. I'll only slow you down.

- Aww you will not, I'm sure! And being all alone isn't good for your mental health! It's not any trouble, just get up and come with me, I'm sure it'll be better than just sitting here doing nothing and risking being found by Pigsy. - He said, getting up from the other side of the bed. He put on his shoes and hoodie.

I thought for a moment, then just got up and also put on my shoes, and my jacket.

We got out of the apartament and I just teleported us to the Flower fruit mountain.

- Woah, that was fast.. Come on! I'm still kinda late! - Noodle boy said without looking at me. He grabbed my hand and ran in some direction, on which I wasn't paying attention to, because the only thing I had in mind right now was that we're holding hands in some way. What is wrong with me..?

- W-wait- what is Sun Wukong gonna say when he sees me? - I asked.

- I think he's not going to react. He doesn't care anyway. - i couldn't see his face but I knew he smiled. I knew he also couldn't see mine, so I softly smiled too. I don't even know why.. probably just because all of this happening so fast.

-moment later-

- WHAT ON CELESTIAL REALMS IS HE DOING HERE AND WHY ARE YOU LATE. - he yelled, looking at me like he's going to kill me any second now.

- Uhm.. hiii.. Monkey King.. heh.. - Noodle boy said nervously.

- Am I gonna hear your excuse for that or what? - Sun Wukong crossed his arms waiting for the Noodle boy to speak.

- Well.. It's not an excuse because it's true. Soo, Red Son here is having a private problem and he's living with me for some time, and I just didn't want him to stay all alone so I took him with me. - he smiled cutely like he always does. - I promise he's not going to do anything bad, he's not a bad guy now! Right Red??

- Mhm. - I "said". I kinda didn't care.

- Well if you say so. But if I see you being distracted or just him to disturb our training then he's going back home.

- He can't go back home! I told you he's staying with me in my apartment for a while.

- ugh alright whatever! Let's just start.

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