-8- "Bothersome Stress"

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Hey it's me again:P
Please read this

Sooo... It's been a long time innit?
Welp- I'm out of motivation every time I post somethingT-T
I have an idea for the whole book, but I can't find myself what to put in this one very important moment, that is coming in the next chapter.. I really want to post more updates but without that one small idea, I can't continue anything so.. I'm just posting this quick chapter so you would have literally anything to read.. and then when I finally find the idea I am looking for, I promise to update immediately!:>

Also my writing style changed a little so there will be no "POV" now:p


- Do you really have to do it all by yourself? Can't you get some of the bullclones to do it for you? - Bull King said with a slightly annoyed voice. His wife had to do all of the work.

- They are useless, and always fail. This task I had to do myself. - Princess answered, while attaching some metal parts together.

- It would have been easier if Red Son came back. - He crossed his arms.

- Well he didn't. That means he didn't learn his lesson yet. He's smart, he'll get it and come back in time.

- I honestly thought he would be back after a day. He is infact smart, and he would understand what he had done in that time. Are you sure he didn't.. run off?

Iron Fan put down the metal, and turned around to face her husband.

- "Run off"..? hm. - She repeated after him, thinking for quite a moment. After few seconds she finally spoke. - He.. He could have never done such a thing. ...but, that's probably what he thinks we would think. He does take a long time.. But I think he definitely knows that if he ran off or hid, he  would be in trouble bigger than ever.
But, i suppose you're right, he was acting more decisively and independently..

- Do you think we should go look for him? - DBK asked with a slight anger in his voice. He was angry, that his son could've done something like this. "How could he be so disrespectful!?" He thought.

- ... - Iron Fan looked at the floor thinking. They have alot of work to do, but at the same time, it is their son, and it would be great to have him around again. - ..Alright. But let me finish this first.

Demon Bull King just nodded and got out of the room. He needed to calm down.

Meanwhile, Red son was at the training with Mk again. He much preferred being out everyday than sitting all the time in Mk's room.
But, it all was much better than the constant heat from lava and smell of metal. You might think Red wasn't feeling heat because of his fire powers and overall where he lives, and that is true to some sort. He doesn't feel heat that much like other creatures, but he can feel it, especially when the full room is filled with lava, and for him to work he needs to get close to it all the time.

He really much preferred the time he's spending with the Noodle Boy. When he's inside, he doesn't have to work, and can relax, and when he's outside, he can breath the fresh air, he has lots of space, he can look around the beautiful landscape, and the best of all, he can see Mk training.

Red doesn't know why, but he really likes seeing the Monkie Kid train. He could see how strong he is, how he's capable of amazing things. It just gives him incomprehensible interest, in a good way. He was enjoying his "enemies" training session, it never got boring for him.

When Red Son was in his thoughts, thinking of the reason he was even there in the first place, Mk sat next to him on a big log laying beside a stone wall.

- Hey Red, you good? - Mk asked with a breathy voice, because of the intense training. Reds face got a little redder because of his voice, but he immediately shook his head a little to put himself together.

- Um- yeah. Are you done training?

- Yup! Any reason why you're asking? - He smiled.

- I guess not.. I just want to go home, I'm not in a great mood today to be honest. - He answered looking down a little, not wanting to keep an eye contact. The whole day he was thinking of his parents. He felt like something was about to happen in some time, and he always trusts his gut, so he was stressed and felt unease since they got out of the apartment.

- Well- alright! Em.. can you perhaps.. teleport us to the apartment? I'm really tired-.. - Mk was also feeling weird, but about his mentor. Sun Wukong was acting strange and he's kinda getting annoyed by it. Red was quiet for a second but answered.

- Oh-! Y-yeah, of course I can. - Then he got up, took Mks hand and teleported them right to the boys messy room, that Red thought he would clean up in a moment.

- I-is the holding hands necessary?? - Mk said tensing up, because Red did not let go of his hand.

- Yes. Otherwise I can't teleport us both. - Red answered looking around the mess in the room thinking of what to pick up first. He lied. He perfectly could teleport anyone, they just had to be close by.

He wanted to calm his stress down, and physical touch with Mk gave him what he wanted. He definitely would want to do the whole "hug" thing again, but it's too embarrassing to ask, so this is the closest he could get to it. He didn't understand why he liked his company and touch that much, but he doesn't care right now. In this moment, he just wants his stress to go away, because it was bothersome.

After Red finished cleaning, and Mk was done with the extra deliveries for the day, the two of them were sitting on the bed, enjoying some Noodles that Mk did himself when Pigsy was having a conversation outside the restaurant with Mr Tang.

- It's good, but I would add some things. - Red spoke after he took a second taste.

- Wait- you can Cook?! - Mk said with a mouth full of noodles.

- Of course I can, Noodle boy. I literally had a small food stand before Spider Queen atacked. You really think I can't cook some noodles? - Red said, acting offended, to tease Mk a little. He really enjoyed the time he spent away from his parents, and he was starting to think that he doesn't actually want to go back.

Mk just laughed, he also really enjoyed the moment they were having right now. He then felt a vibration coming from his pocket, which he was sure was his phone.

- It's probably Mei.. - Mk said to himself, taking out the phone from his pocket. But to his surprise, he saw a message from his mentor, saying that he needs to meet him up right now. - Uhm-.. it's Monkey King..

- He has a phone..? - Red Son said confused, with the hilarious thought of The Great Sage Equal To Heaven having some actual crappy phone.

- Yeah! But he rarely uses it.

- what does he want?

- He said I need to meet him right now, but it's probably definitely nothing important and he just wanted to say something silly. - Mk wasn't at all bothered with the message, knowing his mentor, he knew he was probably right.

Then his confidence and good mood shifted to worried and creeped out look, as soon as another message from Sun Wukong appeared on the screen. As he looked at the boy sitting beside him, who was ready to ask what happened, he didn't even let him ask, and just straight repeated what the massage said.

- He.. He added, that I have to go with you, and that it's important..

1340 words

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