chapter two: unlikely duo

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"he was just a boy, lost in a world he never wanted to be a part of, forced to make choices that were never his to make"

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"he was just a boy, lost in a world he never wanted to be a part of, forced to make choices that were never his to make"


Draco and his mother Narcissa stepped onto the bustling platform, the sound of the Hogwarts Express hissing and puffing in the background. The air was thick with tension as they made their way through the throngs of people, their faces twisted in disgust at the sight of the Malfoys. It was clear that their reputation as Death Eaters had not been forgotten.

The end of the war left the Malfoys in a state of disarray. Lucius, Draco's father, had been quickly thrown into Azkaban and received the Dementor's kiss, leaving Narcissa and Draco to deal with the aftermath of their family's alliance with the Dark Lord.

Draco, for his part, was secretly relieved that he and his mother had escaped his father's grasp. He had never truly believed in Voldemort's cause but had been forced to play his part in order to protect his family. With the war over, he was finally free from that burden.

However, the public was outraged that Narcissa and Draco were allowed to walk free. They were seen as traitors to the wizarding community, and their association with Voldemort had not been forgotten. Draco's involvement in Dumbledore's death only added fuel to the fire, and he was vilified in the Daily Prophet.

The vilification only added to the heavy guilt that Draco felt on his shoulders for all he had done during the war. He had been forced to carry out unspeakable acts in the name of the Dark Lord, and the knowledge of what he had done ate at him every day.

He couldn't shake the memories of the people he had hurt and the lives he had destroyed. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw their faces and felt the weight of their pain. He knew that what he had done was unforgivable, and he was struggling to come to terms with it.

The guilt was eating at him, consuming him from the inside out. He felt like he was drowning in it, and he didn't know how to escape. He had always been taught that the Malfoys were superior, that they were above the law and the rules that governed the rest of the wizarding world. But now, he realized how wrong he had been.

"It's going to be alright, Draco," His mother said softly, interrupting Draco's train of thought "Just keep your head down and focus on your studies. You have a chance to make something of yourself, despite what has happened"

Draco nodded, knowing that she was right. He had to make the most of this opportunity, to prove to himself and to others that he was more than just a name.

Narcissa looked at him with tears in her eyes. She was proud of him, of the young man he had become despite the challenges he had faced. She knew that he had a chance to make something of himself, to redeem the family name, and she wanted nothing more than to see him succeed.

Draco hugged his mother back, feeling her love and support at that moment. Despite everything that had happened, he knew that he still had his mother, and that was all that mattered.

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