chapter twelve: locked in

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"amid the whispers of an ancient library, they found solace in shared secrets and moonlit dreams, their hearts beating in a rhythm only the stars could understand

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"amid the whispers of an ancient library, they found solace in shared secrets and moonlit dreams, their hearts beating in a rhythm only the stars could understand."


Luna, Neville, and Draco sat in the quiet library at the wooden table with their Muggle Studies project before them. Soft rustles of pages and the brushstrokes of whispered conversations were a placid background to the tension at their table.

Luna sat quietly, looking down and tapping at the edge of her parchment. Her otherworldly presence seemed to be muted somehow—a reflection of the norm. Neville, in his seat beside her, kept looking at her worriedly, unable to pay attention to what was happening in class.

Draco sat across from them, expression a mask of indifference as he flipped through the project notes, feigning to read. Across the table, he could feel Neville's concern radiating; it was only a matter of time before he spoke up.

Finally, he turned his head towards Draco, speaking in a hushed voice, "Any idea what's wrong with Luna?"

He tightened his grip on his quill, knuckles whitening. He knew why Luna was upset. Admitting that fact would have meant facing his guilt. Instead, he looked up with a cold, detached expression. "Why on earth would I know, Longbottom?"

Neville's frown deepened: obviously, he wasn't convinced. "Well, you seem to spend much time together, and she seemed fine yesterday."

Draco's jaw tightened. "We're working together, but it doesn't mean I can track her every thought and feeling."

Neville's narrowed his eyes a little. "You don't have to be so defensive, Malfoy. I'm just worried about her. We all are."

Luna kept doodling, probably not knowing what the people around her were talking about. The lines and swirls on her parchment grew more elaborate and convoluted—like they sought to mimic what was occurring inside her. Frustration and guilt warring within him, Draco let out a deep breath. "Maybe she just needs space," he responded shortly. "Not everybody wants to blab about everything bothering them."

Neville deepened his frown, not pushing further. He knew better than to argue with Draco when he was in this mood. He turned back to Luna, his voice gentle. "Luna, if you want to talk, we're here for you."

Luna stopped doodling, resting her quill on the parchment. She looked up, and for a moment, her eyes met Neville's as she gave him a sad but grateful smile. "Thanks, Neville. I'm just. a bit distracted today." Draco felt a pang of guilt at her words. He knew he was the cause of her distraction, and it gnawed at him. He felt uneasy in his seat, his eyes constantly flicking back to his notes. Neville managed to smile kindly before returning to working on his part of the project. This silence was thick with unspoken words and tension.

The evening passed by them rapidly, the once bustling library now emptying as students left for dinner and bed. The sky outside darkened, and the glow of the candles within the library cast long shadows on the walls.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30 ⏰

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