chapter ten: tempers and truths

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"in the eyes of the world, I am the storm, the darkness

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"in the eyes of the world, I am the storm, the darkness. Yet, beneath the surface, lies a heart aching to be understood."


The dull murmur of students settling into their seats filled the Muggle Studies classroom as Luna approached her usual seat beside Malfoy. The morning light filtered through the tall windows, casting long shadows across the rows of desks.

Luna placed her worn tote bag on the floor with a soft thud, its contents shifting slightly. She glanced at Draco, who sat with his arms crossed and his eyes fixed on a distant point outside the window. His expression was as cold as the autumn breeze that swept through the castle grounds that morning.

"Good morning, Draco," Luna said cheerfully, her voice light and airy as ever.

"Morning," he replied curtly, barely glancing in her direction before returning to his silent contemplation.

Luna blinked, her smile faltering for just a moment before she settled into her seat. Draco's aloofness was uncharacteristic, especially after the events of the previous night. She opened her mouth to ask if everything was alright, but before she could speak, the professor cleared his throat at the front of the class, signalling the beginning of the lesson.

"Good morning, everyone," the Professor began, his voice cutting through the low buzz of conversation. "I hope you all had a restful weekend. Today, we have an important announcement from Headmistress McGonagall."

A collective groan rippled through the room. Draco shifted in his seat, a frown tugging at the corners of his mouth. Luna could feel the tension radiating from him, like a coiled spring ready to snap.

"As you all know," The Professor continued, adjusting his glasses, "Hogwarts has been through a tumultuous time. In an effort to foster unity and understanding among the houses, Headmistress McGonagall has decided that we will be undertaking a group project that mixes students from different houses."

The reaction was immediate. Whispers broke out across the room, filled with apprehension and disapproval. Luna noticed the uneasy glances exchanged between students, Slytherins eyeing Gryffindors with suspicion, and Ravenclaws exchanging uncertain looks with Hufflepuffs.

"This is ridiculous," Pansy Parkinson drawled loudly, tossing her hair over her shoulder with exaggerated disdain. "As if we need to play 'friends' with everyone else. What's next? A mandatory group hug?"

Draco's frown deepened, his jaw clenching. Luna watched him closely, curious about his reaction. He seemed unusually tense, more so than usual when dealing with such announcements. She wanted to reach out, to ask what was wrong, but the oppressive atmosphere in the room held her back.

Professor raised his hands to quiet the room. "I understand this might be a challenge for some of you, but it's an important step toward healing and rebuilding the community spirit of Hogwarts. Each group will work on a project that explores Muggle innovations and their impact on both the Muggle and wizarding worlds."

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