chapter three: finding peace

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"her hand in his, he felt a sense of comfort he had never felt before

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"her hand in his, he felt a sense of comfort he had never felt before. her touch was gentle, yet powerful, and he knew that at that moment, they were connected in a way he couldn't explain"


Luna's heart was pounding in her chest as she struggled to support Neville's weight. She could feel his blood seeping through her shirt, the warmth of it spreading across her skin. Seeing his mangled face made her want to scream, but she knew she had to stay calm. She had to get him to safety.

The corridors of Hogwarts were chaos. Bodies littered the ground, some still moving, others ominously still. Spells flew past Luna's head, illuminating the darkness with bursts of light. She could hear the screams of students and the panicked shouts of teachers. But Luna pushed it all aside, focusing on the weight of Neville's arm on her shoulder and the sound of his laboured breathing.

"It will be okay," She promised, her voice barely above a whisper "We'll find a healer, and everything will be okay"

But even as she spoke the words, Luna knew they were hollow. She had seen the terror in Neville's eyes, the way he had frozen when the Death Eater had attacked him. And she had frozen too, watching in horror as the knife sliced through his skin. Luna knew that if Neville died, she would never forgive herself.

As they stumbled through the darkened corridors, Luna caught glimpses of other students, some of them injured, others desperately trying to fight off the Death Eaters. She could see the fear in their eyes, the same fear that was gripping her own heart. But Luna pushed it aside, focusing only on getting Neville to safety.

Finally, they reached the infirmary, and Luna collapsed into a chair, her body shaking with exhaustion and fear. Neville was rushed to a bed, and Luna watched as the healers swarmed around him, their wands flashing as they worked to save his life.

In the silence that followed, Luna was left alone with her thoughts. She couldn't shake the guilt gnawing at her, the sense that she had failed Neville when he needed her most. But she knew that she couldn't change the past. All she could do was pray that Neville would survive and that someday, they would find a way to put the horrors of that night behind them.

Luna walked through the corridors of Hogwarts, her heart pounding with anxiety. It had been just over a year since the end of the Second Wizarding War, and she was returning to Hogwarts for her final year. But as she walked through the familiar halls, memories of the past flooded her mind, filling her with fear and uncertainty.

The castle, once a place of magic and wonder, now seemed to be tainted with the memories of the war. Luna couldn't help but remember the day when she had witnessed a Death Eater attack, Neville, leaving him badly injured and in need of a healer. The memory of that day still haunted her, and she couldn't shake the feeling of helplessness that had consumed her.

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