On my own !

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- Stop making fun of my work , it's a serious and important trip and i want you to take care of the kids , i am obliged to stay one month in Paris

- Kalie , please don't drive me mad , you know that i have a ton of work , my dad is asking me to take care of his business for a while

- I knew you would do that , that's why i will deal with everything by my own like usual , don't worry , don't do anything !

My hand started shaking from frustration because it's not the first time that he does that , he only thinks about himself

After driving Liv and Rita home , i brought with me some files and papers for work and went to the office , i said hi to everyone their and joined my desk before my boss suspect that i was late again

I had to finish my research about the missing girl , it's about a girl of 16 years old that escaped from her house to go to a school party with her friends , she was all the time with them but then she went to the batheroom

No one saw her after that and they started an investigation on everyone on the list of guests , they didn't find any prouve of her desaperance

The young women left her bag and her jacket on the batheroom without any explanation

Her best friend was so scared about her , she said on the report that this missing girl wasn't feeling ok this past two weeks

There are two possibilities on my head in that case , either it's kidnaping or an escape , we can't be sure about it yet

I needed to talk to her best friend again maybe she is hiding something that we should now

My head hurts , i worked so hard today , i went to get some coffee from the machine to clear my mind

In that moment i received a call from my neighbour , what a desaster , how can i forget about that ? , i promised her a dinner date

I didn't prepare anything yet , she would be so upset , she called to remind me about today's dinner and i acted like everything is planned

I took a permission to leave early and went to the grocery store to buy some things

It's 8pm and i am standing in front of the door , waiting for Lolitta to open the door

She's the kindest women i have ever known , her actual name is Laura , she was born in France before coming here , she is our neigbour since i was born

Laura is a dear friend of my beloved mom , she has always been here by her side and now she is taking care of me as well

I honor this women so mush , she is the most wise pearson that i ever meet

I entred the living room and i found every kind of tasty food set on the table , she didn't forget anything like always

Everything was perfect , Liv and Rita were so excited to see her , they love her some mush , she is like a grandmother to them

It was too late , the kids fall asleep on the couch , they were so tired , it was long journey for them

Lolitta made us tea while watching the television , she touched my both hands titely and looked at me with a brigthness on her eyes

That time i knew that i am going to experience the most difficult conversation of my life

She had an hesitated and low voice while bringing the topic

- My beautiful daughter Kalie , you know how precious you are to me and how dear your mother is to me , i care about you a lot and i want you to have a wonderful life full of joy , i love both of your kids and i want them to be always happy

- Lolitta , are you okay , did something happen to you ? i am begining to worry ( with a frightned voice i said )

- Everything is okay , i just wanted to talk to you about something

- You can tell me whatever you want i am listening

- I hate to see you lost , i hate to see you alone with no one by your side , you're loosing yourself slowly by the time

- Don't worry about me , i have everything under control

- I know my dear but by the time you will realise that you can't deal with everything by your own , you need someone who can help , a partner whom you can share everything , i am not going to live forever so i need to make sure ( i inturepted her )

- Don't say that please , you're steal going to see my daughters grow up and see me as a succesfull women , you can't leave us yet , there is planty of time ( smilling with tears falling on both of my sheeks )

- This is the reality , you can't change anything , i want you to think about it

- I sure will

We were hugging each other while watching a movie on the couch

I felt like i was with my mom the hall time , it was a strange feeling

It's time to go home , i asked Liv and Rita to wake up so that they can sleep on their bed and let Lolitta get some rest , i thought that she must be exhausted from preparing all that food for us   

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