Fake identity

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It's tomomorow , 1 am and i am waiting for Reo in the office , he was on a business reunion with his collegues

It's the time to be a creative liar so i can get more informations about Elina

I meet this man and he looks like a legend , he is so charismatic and a gentelman

He told me to sit and we started talking , i felt like i was on investigation :

- Hello , it's Kalie right ? nice to meet you ! i didn't know that Elina had a friend named Kalie

- I was her high school friend , we were'nt really close but we had such a great time back then , i miss her ( fakeing my tears so he can beleive)

- I miss her too , it's pleasure to meet her good friends

- Thank you sir , unfortantly i couldn't come to the funeral i was not in Spain that time and i couldn't know what she has been through lately

- Well nothing so special , she worked as usual on the compagny , oh yea and she had a boyfriend named Junpa

- Really ? that's great !

- Yes , he loved her so mush and i can see a lot of passion to my daughter in his eyes but i don't know why he desepered after her death , i thought maybe they broke up however he should of came , let's not remember the past now

- Yes you're right , i feel so mush better talking to you , i think that to heal from the pain of loosing someone that you love is talking to his friends or relativies about it

- I feel better too , thank you so mush for coming , you are always welcome here

I left the office and my heart was on the point to come out from fear , from fear that he catch something when i am talking , i didn't miss said something and this is great but somehow i feel horrible lying to him because he is a really pure and good person

Now the most intreging thing in this story is the deseaperance of Junpa , i have to discover the reason why he left her since she died but still stuck with her memory

It doesn't make sense , things are becoming more and more confusing everytime i get close to the truth

I returned home to rest and take a shower , i got there and the first time i did was going to the batheroom and prepare my bath , i putted some candels and a glass of red wine in the corner , everything to sheer me up and to put me on a good mood

I stayed in the bath and extanded my body , it's was a really beautiful sensation and it's refreshing !

I was reading my book at the same time and i was having a great moment

I went to bed early because i am working tomorow , my two days of rest are over and i spent it in bed everyday scrolling at social media so i can find out more about this girl

Elina .

Coincidences are crazy but when it happens multiple times it becomes insane and usually is hiding something behind it , the hurtful truth

I closed my eyes to sleep , i opened them and i found myself not in the place i am supposed to be

I found myself in front of the door , in the backyard and with my pijamas on in the middle of the night , how did i find myself in a position like that

Well , no one knows , it was strange but nothing is strange when you know the fact that you are sleepwalker

I am tired of this , i am waiting for my first session with Sarra impatiently

I have to find a solution to my problem so i can carry on with my life and with my work

I was ready to go back inside because it was so cold then i saw a note from nowhere was taking by the wind , it came across my feet and to be honest i was hesitated to open it because i wasn't sure if it was adressed to me

After all deep thoughts , i took the note and began reading it :

« Remeber i am keeping my eyes on you , sweetbird !! , yes i know everything about you »

I threw the note in that moment and then i picked it up in a hurry and entred

Someone is stalking me for sure , i was freaked out , who is this lunitec !

Someone might of seen me opening the lights , oppening the door and standing outside while sleep walking but who ?! who's this creep ? who is besides my familly and my friends knows where i live

I read the note for the second time , i am finding it hard to beleive that i am stalked by a strange person , but if this person is not a stranger ?

My mind is going to blow out from overthinking , what a terrible night !

In the note , it's writeen sweet bird , only Roby calls me by that name

Maybe it was one of his silly jokes or something else , more serious related to the case

It's so scary to think of it like that !

I tried to sleep again but nothing could stop my mind from thinking that time

I stayed awake until 6 am , i opened the fridge to prepare something for Liv and Rita when they wake up  

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