I've got all planned

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I  was     like   a   mouse   searching    for    something    to    eat   but  instead  i was looking for a file where i can find this girl's picture but it will take me a lot of time so i looked for the name Elina and i found the file i needed

I took some photos with my phone then went back to Roby so he won't suspect anything

Roby drove me home , he insisted to stay and take care of me and i felt so spoiled for the first time

My boss called me to tell me that i need to take two days off from work because he was worried about me

Roby didn't want to leave me there , he cooked lunch and then dinner and took care of Liv and Rita

I was laying on the bed and looking at the file of this girl , i found out something very important

She died stubbed in the heart and not because she was sick , that means Junpa lied to me

However i don't understand why , does he have something to do with it

Could he be a bad person ? Everything has to do with the heart , 3 persons named Elina stubbed in the same spot , it can't be a coincidence !

My head is still stuck on the same page , i searched for a name of relative in the paper and i found the name of her father

I tiped his name on google so i can see if he is in some rendom photo on social media or has an account but i knew that it was low possiblity

It was surprising that this person was a big bussniss man , invested on his daughter's school and found a job for her in his company

There are many photos of him with his daughter Elina and since she died , he donated everything he owns and started leaving a normal life

That means he loved her so mush that he gave up on everything

I need to talk with him but it's going to be hard to find him or him accepting to talk to a journalist

Roberto entered , he was on hurry so he kissed me on the forhead and he told me he is going to work

- I have to go Kalie , i hate to leave you alone in this kind of day

- Please don't worry about me , i am fine , you're going to be late to work !

- Okay , call me if you need anything babe !

- I will , thanks

I searched for the number of this men's sucreteriat and prepared myself to lie about my identity and try my best to not reveal that i am a journalist

I called the number and a women answered :

- Hello it's Reo's office , who's on the phone

- I am Kalie , i am a friend of his daugther Elina , can i have a meeting with him this week , is he free ?

- He is free tomorow at 13h after lunch

- Okay that's perfect !

I have to colect amont of informations about Elina so Mr Reo can beleive that i am her friend since high school so i folowed her old instagram account and found out from her photos where she studied , who's her friends and a lot about her familly because she shares a lot about her personal life

I became a stalker but it's only for a good reason of course

I never thought that the internet could be that dangerous , how is it possible to know everything about someone just by a click , it's creapy for sure

Maybe posting a lot about her personal life in social media putted her life in danger and the ones around her

I spent all day using my phone and making some calls instead of taking a break from work , i became a real job independent

I can't stop myself sometimes and that terrifies me a little

Sara calls me from time to time and she called me today to see if i am doing okay :

- Hi Kalie how are you ? Mina told me that you were sick

- Not really it's just a usual stressful day

- You gotta take this things seriously

- I know you're right , i thought of your offer and i agree to be your patient , i found out that i really need help from a profesional

- Of course that would be a pleasure !

I took a decision to begin therepy , i arranged with Sarra about the hours and everything and my first session begins at Friday

I went to see Liv and Rita , they were studying in the living room and being unusually calm ut i like this

Everytime they know that i am sick or tired they try their best to stay calm and to spreed their love unconditionally , i love them so mush , i don't know what would i be without them

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