The chocking truth

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I entred by the door quickly , i arrieved exactly at time , my colegues were all focused on their work and their eyes never left the computer

You always find a cup of coffe on their desks , files everywhere and tasks to complete

One of them walked by and i saw a lot of papers on his hands so i asked him :

- What's this Steve ?

- This are some old files of murders that Mr Arturo asked me for

He is one of our new employee , he is an American boy who finished his year of universty and recently joined us

My boss makes him work a lot and tests his capacties

I took a look at the first paper that Steve was holding and i saw a profile that is similar to Elina , a missing girl found nacked in the sea and the events happened in Madrid at 2019 , her name is also Elina and when i told Steve to show me the others newspaper that he had on hand

Another girl found killed in the forest in Madrid at 2022 and has the same name

I don't usually beleive in coincidence so i asked Steve to hand me the two files and i told him that i will talk with Mr Arturo and explain to him how it's so important for my case

Three events happened to three girls named Elina and in the same place but in diffrent years

I listened to every  single  video in the internet on each case and newpapers and i found out that this two girls didn't have any bruises or anything that's related to torture and that they were only stubbed in the heart which is insane !

Most of the killers use torture to take revange and i don't think they are that stupid to not cover their murder perfectly

I putted every new proff on my secret wall when i returned home and i started analysing , why the two innocent people are stubbed in the same spot

When someone putes a knife straight in your heart you don't have a chance to live and heart usually describes emotions in someone's love life

Could this pearson have a heartacke or relationship problems , no it's crazy , i will only leave it as a possibility because it could be something else or just a simple coincidence and i hate to think of it like that

The more i have proves the more i get close to the killer

I need to get through Elina's computer at least to see who  is she  texting or calling

Celia is the next goal , i have to call her and somehow sneak into Elina's bedroom , it's true that is not part of my job but everyone needs to know the truth and Celia should find her daughter

This time i didn't bring my car because i don't really want another broken window so i took the bus to get there

Celia opened the door , she was happy to see me and she is probably thinking that i have good news or something new in the case so i needed to come  up  with an excuse so i had to come up with this idea

- Hi how are you doing today , i hope i didn't come on a bad timing

- No not at all , you are always welcome , come in !

She invited me to the living room and gave me home made cake

She was waiting for me to start speaking , so focused on my face movements and especily my eyes so i stepped up nervous :

- Well , hmm , i wanted to ask you some questions about Elina's mental health and tell me a little bit more about her

- Is it related to the case ?

- Yes , her best friend told me that the past two weeks she's been in a really dark place , did you notice any habits of her that were suspecious to you

- Actually , she's been acting normally but usually she used to hang out with her friends more and this past two weeks she didn't leave her phone or her computer from her hands and i always told her to get out from the screen  for a  moment

- What other things she does ?

- There is that book that i saw her reading before bed , i forgot it's name can you wait for me here while i look for it , i forgot where i put it !

- That's okay , take your time

She left me on the couch and i went quickly to Elina's room before she returns back

I opened the door slowly to not make any kind of noise and then i opened her computer , i got to her social media and i saw texts from someone called « Bad sexy boy »

I can 't figure out his really name but i took a photo of their conversations , their are a lots of heart emojys but nothing clear on the words , it's like a game of clues

I returned to the couch and i saw Celia standing there with the book , i couldn't really figure out her reaction , she asked me where i was so i told her and i was freaked out :

- I was lost i couldn't find the toilet

- It's not on your right but in your left i will show you

- That's okay i remembred thank you

I went to the toilet , i was so scared that she will find out , i washed my face and took a moment to breathe after what i recently found out then i joined Celia on the living room

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