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THE sound of tires going at a fast pace on the road was heard, and the faint noise of a stereo playing in the midst of it all was what brought Sora back to consciousness.

She stirred awake and slowly sat up. Her vision was met with the black interior of a Mercedes-Benz and the darkness from outside.

Her eyebrows furrowed and she looked beside her, only to be met with Sunghoon's side profile. He had one hand on the steering wheel, while his other arm rested on the windowsill. He looked deep in thought as his eyes focused on the road ahead of him and his pointer finger tapped the wheel casually to the beat of the music.

"You're awake?" Sunghoon spoke up as he took a glance at her. "Finally," He then scoffed and shook his head slightly as he flicked the indicator and turned a corner. "I was starting to think I had killed you."

"Where am I?" Sora slowly questioned as she looked out of the window confused.

There were no buildings in sight at all, and the patches of green grass looked as if they didn't have an end to them. There were no other cars but Sunghoon's on the road, and the few cows and sheep made Sora question if she was still is Seoul.

"The countryside." Sunghoon answered, and Sora's jaw dropped slightly in shocked.

"What the hell? Why am in in the middle of nowhere?" She asked, worry filling up inside of her. "Sunghoon, stop the car."

Sunghoon ignored her request and continued driving. He was contemplating on knocking her out again, but he knew he couldn't bring himself to do it.

"I said stop the car." She repeated and tried to open the door, but to no avail, the door remained shut.

A scoff passed Sora's lips as she turned to look at him. "Child lock?"

"I didn't know what you would attempt." He calmly answered. "It's a good job I put it on though." He shrugged and Sora rolled her eyes.

"I don't trust you Sunghoon, so pull over so I can call Ej."

Sunghoon felt his heartache at her words. She wanted to be with Ej. Choi Sora wanted Ej to come and save her and it angered him, but he understood. He hadn't given her any reasons to trust him, whereas Ej did. All he had ever been was cold and harsh towards her, and so now, Park Sunghoon couldn't help but feel a form of regret appear inside him.

A groan was released from Sunghoon as he eventually decided to pull over, making Sora mutter a 'Thank you.'

"I'm a vampire." He announced, and Sora froze in aghast.

"Huh?" She inched forward slightly to make sure she wasn't hearing things, and when he repeated it, and she realized she heard correctly, her eyes widened in be-wilderness.

Sora had heard many stories about vampires and how they feed off humans, don't have a reflection, are killed by sunlight, and are super pale, and Sora tried to see if Sunghoon was like any of that and she shook her head, a part of her wanting to believe him but another part of her thinking it was complete bullshit.

"There's no way." She denied, even though she didn't believe herself — not after what happened the night before. The way Dohee attacked her, the way Sunghoon had so much strength and the look on Niki's face when she cut her finger all showed that they were far from human.

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