Twenty Six.

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Twenty Six.

IT was the next day, and everyone was stood outside in the garden after Sora had excitedly awoken them. Today was the day that Sora would figure out her power as a vampire and for her to get use to her enhanced senses.

"Let's start with your speed." Heeseung suggested as Sora stood close to Sunghoon. "How about you race the fastest here? Nishimura Riki." The boy grinned and looked over to the youngest, who had a smirk playing on his lips.

Everyone watched as Niki cracked the bones in his neck and and walked over to the starting line.

"Come on, Sora," He chuckled as Sora stayed stood beside Sunghoon. "Too scared of me beating you? I always knew you wouldn't be able to take public humiliation well."

Sora felt as Sunghoon's grip slightly tightened on her hip and he leant down to whisper in her ear. "Go on," his lips brushed her skin, causing shivers to be sent throughout her body. "Show him what you've got."

The Choi girl hesitantly nodded, before she made her way to stand beside Niki. He let out a cocky scoff, and before either of them knew it, Sunoo yelled 'Go' and off they were.

As Sora ran, it felt as if her legs were too fast for her mind to comprehend. Everything around her was a complete blur and when she finally skidded to a stop, her hair was blown in her face.

"Whoa!" Jake clapped his hands in amazement as he grinned widely. "It looks like we have a new fastest among us." He announced and Sora's eyes widened in shock.

She chuckled under her breath and turned back to look at Niki who was biting down on his lip in embarrassment.

The girl smirked at him and sent him a wink before she walked back over to Sunghoon; where she was engulfed in a kiss.

"Okay," Jay spoke loudly, separating the two lovebirds. "Let's try with the your individual power. How about you try to list Dohee with one hand?"

Sora glanced over at Dohee as a way of asking for permission, and the girl shrugged before Sora headed over to her.

The brunette wrapped an arm around Dohee's waist and prepared to lift her until a grunt escaped her lips as she soon came to the conclusion that strength was not in her favour.

"Okay, how about you hold your palm out and imagine a fire ball spawning in the center of your hand." Jake suggested, stepping forward to be closer to the girl.

Sora let out a sigh and obeyed — trying to ignite a flame onto her hand but in the end, nothing happened.

"It's pretty tricky, right Jake?" Sunghoon asked, looking over at the Sim boy who hesitantly nodded.

"Yeah, don't worry too much about it." He reassured, a lie rolling from his lips.

After a few more attempts at Sunoo's power and teleportation, Sora let out an annoyed huff. "Why can't I do anything?"

"Relax," Dohee softly spoke, resting a hand on her best friends shoulder. "I couldn't do anything when I first turned." She assured with a warm smile, and Sora nodded slightly.

"Perhaps you just need time to adjust, you haven't long turned." Jungwon pointed out, coming to stand beside Dohee. "I'm sure you'll figure it out someday."

"Yeah, but for now, how about we go and raid blood banks?" Dohee suggested with a chuckle, swinging an arm over Sora's shoulder before leading her back inside of the house.

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