0-0. Prologue.

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???? POV

The Moon shone brightly above as I sped through the dark twilight forest. My breath was ragged and blood oozed out of my chest.

But despite my injuries I ran, I ran and I ran some more, zig zagging my way through the numerous thick trees.

I was pretty sure the people chasing me had already lost me.I wasn't taking the risk, there were too many responsibilities on my hands. I wanted to keep running but my body failed me as I staggered and fell down on the grass. I spat out blood from my mouth and it felt like there were pins and needles in my lungs. It was a lot of blood.

Regardless, I panted for air and did my best to ignore the pain. The grass, thankfully, was soft and welcoming.

The fate of the entire Silver Daemons tribe was up to me now.

The pain overwhelmed me but I slowly rolled from lying, taking support on the nearby tree. I clutched my chest. Blood from my chest had mingled with blood from my vomit, causing me to retch.. I needed to patch up my wounds otherwise I was going to die.

I hadn't let my guard down yet, and thank god for that because out of the corner of my eyes, I saw a green blob jump at me.I quickly slashed at it with my bloody Short Sword. Damn green blobs, always messing with my chill.

My blow landed and it landed a few steps away. I focused my eyes and saw what the monster actually was. A green slime. Whether it was just passing by or it was attracted to the smell of my blood. It was enough evidence that I needed to move once again.

I sheathed my sword back into my buckle and ran for it. The slime gave chase but it was too slow to keep up with me.

I ran.

I kept running.

I wobbled from the pain and blood loss.

But I kept running.

I don't have time for this.

My princess is waiting for me. I had to go back to her now. Who knows what she is going through right now after everyone else was killed. My vision was getting blurry, and my body was failing me. I could only trust my ears now so I slowly stopped and listened.

Nothing from the left.

Some birds are chirping every now and then ahead of me.

Leaves rustled on my right.

The ever present groans of zombies chased me from behind.

I decided to trust the birds and followed their noises. Three minutes later, I found myself in an open clearing. A lake in the middle of the clearing that reflected serene moonlight. Bushes and some flowers dotted the area around the lake.

I removed my robe and started inspecting the wound on my chest. The cut was deep and it pained me just to look at it. The lake was still and clear, I looked into it and my face was reflected with the moonlight. Leaning over my reflection, I nearly fell in.

What greeted me was a nightmare. I had silver/whitish hair in a shabby state, sweat everywhere and crystal-clear light blue coloured eyes that had a magical blue hue to them. I took some water and splashed my face. The cold water woke me up, I dressed my wounds in the moonlight.

I didn't have any rags so I tore my cloak into strips. After a few minutes of great pain, I realized the amount of blood loss was tremendous and concluded that my chances of surviving were slim to none. I clutched the strips against my pulsing chest wound, willing the blood to stop flowing.

I was then finally hit with all the exhaustion I had built up while running for hours.

My body finally refused to move.

I laid down next to the lake right there and started talking to myself to raise my spirits even if it would do nothing.

"I, Reid Sord........hereby swear....... that if I survive..........I will become Princess Luna's knight.........and protect her from all........until she can lead just like her father...........Until then I only wish to be alive.........just till then......Please....." I said while raising my hand up, begging a higher power to grant my wish.

My words fell on deaf ears as the night became silent again.

Truth be told, the only thing I heard after that was death knocking on my door.

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