3-32. Tania the troublemaker

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Evan POV

I was going to go fetch Tifa from her Kingdom and then infiltrate Human's Kingdom with her help but... I got lazy in the end. I kept following my map to the Elven kingdom until I realized my house was about 15 minutes to my left while the Elven kingdom was still over 30 minutes away.

Sorry, Lucy and Oswald but you two gotta stay at the Adventurer's guild for longer. This is definitely not because I'm still angry at all trouble you cost me and- Nah, who am I kidding, this is revenge. Screw you two for the emotional ride you caused me for the last few hours, and for making me a fugitive in the kingdom.

Before I went back home where my family was, I made a quick trip to Jeff to ask him about the strange Eggs that I found in the forest and... let's just say what Jeff told me about them was shocking, to say the least.

Apparently, the Neko fox race was one of the strongest Demi-human races a few tens of thousands of years ago but because of some unknown reasons, they went extinct about a few thousand years ago. Jeff said that they were seriously strong and any of them can train and get powerful enough to rival Demi-gods. There's only one Demi-god I know of from Terraria. The Fucking Moon-lord, A.K.A the final boss of Terraria. He also said that they're really intelligent and even a newborn baby would be able to start crawling and talking a few minutes after they were born.

And this brings me to the next question, if they went extinct thousands of years ago, then why the hell do I have two of their eggs in my inventory? Are these eggs expired or something? Doesn't seem possible since everything around them defied the laws of the universe, Even Jeff couldn't answer this question. He just told me to keep them somewhere hidden from danger. He also said to keep them out of my inventory and let me tell you, I'll do just that. It's not like having two nuclear-weapon-level beings in my inventory is making me nervous.

Once I finished my talks with Jeff, I went back into my house. There wasn't any sound of any activities so I stealthily went up to the second floor. I didn't see anyone in the corridor which was lucky and made it easy for me to sneak into my room. I ended up hiding the eggs under my bed before I quietly head back.

"Brother!" Someone called out to me when I was closing my door and it gave me a big jolt, I already knew who it was but I didn't know why she was so happy.

I turned towards the voice and Mia suddenly hugged me. "I'm so glad you're back!" I didn't knew why she was actually happy to see me but there was a hint of desperation in her voice but that might just be me.

I started patting her hair while she could only hug up to my belly due to her short size. "What's wrong? I only went out for an hour or so?"

"I'm just happy to see you again, wait!" Looks like something definitely happened because she suddenly became desperate for no reason, "You're not gonna leave again are you!?"

"Huh? Um, I actually had something to do here, and then I needed to fetch Tifa later for some stuff and then I was gonna go back and beat- I mean rescue my disciples." As soon as I laid down my plan for Mia, she looked up at me with fear in her eyes.

"No! Please don't go! I'm scared!"


Why is she scared? Wait, is she traumatized by the stuff that happened with the cultists? I already know her story, but... wait no, who am I kidding, she's a 15-year-old kid who witnessed her friends and family die in front of her, of course, she's scared.

{Author Note: And thus, the misunderstanding began.}

She was still hugging me but I slowly kneeled down to her height, "Alright, don't worry, I'll stay with you until you've overcome your fear, okay?" I said while caressing her head to calm her down.

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